Submitted by gouki on 2011, December 6, 9:48 PM
嗯,本来只是放在read it later做备份的,不料今天打开的时候发现,这篇文章已经不见了。该博客重新创建,原来的数据都没有了。所幸,我曾用read it later处理过纯文本模式,因此,我将它备份下来,以防哪天read it later也崩了。
完成如下功能,一个JTool类,继承CComponent,当其长度改变时,调用事件,输出”change me”.
JTool.php在protected/components 下:
- <?php
- class JTool extends CComponent{
- private $_width;
- public function getWidth(){
- return $this->_width ? $this->_width : 1;
- }
- public function setWidth($width){
- if($this->hasEventHandler(‘onChange’)){
- $this->onChange(new CEvent());
- }
- $this->_width = $width;
- }
- public function onChange($event){
- $this->raiseEvent(‘onChange’, $event);
- }
OK,功能实现了,这个执行就简单了new JToolSub调用方法即可
JBe.php在protected/behavior 下:
- class JBe extends CBehavior{
- public function get100width(){
- return $this->Owner->width*100;
- }
- }
- class JBe extends CBehavior{
- public function events(){
- return array_merge(parent::events(),array(
- ‘onChange’=>’change’,
- ));
- }
- public function change(){
- echo ‘changed’;
- }
- public function get100width(){
- return $this->Owner->width*100;
- }
- }
返回的数组array(‘onChange’=>’change’)定义了事件(event)和对应的事件处理方法(event hander)
这样子再看CActiveRecordBehavior,其是绑定给CActiveRecord 这个组件的,绑定方法重写behaviors()
CActiveRecordBehavior中的events() 方法返回事件及事处理函数的对应,如:
Tags: yii, behavior, event, readitlater
PHP Framework | 评论:0
| 阅读:18410
Submitted by gouki on 2011, December 6, 9:41 PM
These features provide endless possibilities and unbelievable flexibility, but as current documentation does not give more than a few examples, it might be difficult to fully understand their internals and requirements.
It should be noted that they do mostly the same thing. You can attach behaviors and event handlers to components to modify the components' behavior.
It is useful when you want to interrupt the normal application flow without extending base classes.
For example, enabling gzip compression on the output could be done via extending CWebApplication. But because there are entry points for event handlers, one can do this:
- Yii::app()->onbeginRequest = create_function('$event', 'return ob_start("ob_gzhandler");'),
- Yii::app()->onendRequest = create_function('$event', 'return ob_end_flush();'),
You can create an event handler -- which is simply a method in some class with a specific signature -- and attach it to the event of an object. You can add as many event handlers as you wish, from as many objects as you wish. If the event handler is, effectively static, then you can create the object as you assign it:
- $test_comp->onSomethingGoesOn = array(new SomeClass, 'eventHandler1');
- $test_comp->onSomethingGoesOn = array(new SomeOtherClass, 'eventHandler2');
- $test_comp->onSomethingGoesOn = array(new YetAnotherClass, 'eventHandler3');
As long as you have a handle on the object, then you can add an event handler to it.
At some point, you can then raise the event with something like one of these:
- $test_comp->onSomethingGoesOn(new CEvent($this));
- $test_comp->onSomethingGoesOn(new CEvent());
So, basically, it allows you to build a list of function calls that can later be executed, in the order they were added. It can save you passing around a lot of object refs and building conditional code, since you can still raise the event, even if it doesn't do anything.
Behaviors are simply a way of adding methods to an object.
Take this scenario: You have 2 classes: MySuperClass1, MySuperClass2. There might be lots of methods from MySuperClass1 & 2 that you want in some new class, say MyBoringClass. Unfortunately, php does not allow for this:
- class MyBoringClass extends MySuperClass1, MySuperClass2 {
- }
This is where behaviors come in. Instead, you can go:
- class MyBoringClass extends MySuperClass1 {
- }
- $classInstance = new MyBoringClass();
- $classInstance->attachbehavior('uniqueName', new MySuperClass2);
Now $classInstance has all the methods from MySuperClass1 and MySuperClass2. Since MySuperClass2 is being used as a behavior, it has to extend CBehavior. The only caveat to this is an attached behavior cannot override any class methods of the component it is being attached to. If a method already exists, if it be from the original class or already added by a previously attached behavior, it will not be overwritten.
In an OO language like Ruby, it's quite possible to start with a completely empty object and simply build its behavior as you go along. Yii provides this behavior with a little magic. The key is that the class you wish to add the behavior from must extend Cbehavior.
- class SomeClass extends CBehavior
- {
- public function add($x, $y) { return $x + $y; }
- }
Then use with:
- $test_comp = new TestComponent();
- $test_comp->attachbehavior('blah', new SomeClass);
- $test_comp->add(2, 5);
So, in this case, you are extending the functionality of an object with functionality of another object.
After studying this cookbook page you are encouraged to reread the corresponding guide page as it contains advanced information (for example, if you are familiar with interfaces, you might find it enough to implement IBehavior before extending CBehavior).
Tags: yii, behavior, event
PHP Framework | 评论:0
| 阅读:19686
Submitted by gouki on 2011, December 5, 6:13 PM
然后找到了editplus的官网,找到了what's new:
Tags: edit, svn, sae
Software | 评论:2
| 阅读:19127
Submitted by gouki on 2011, December 4, 9:21 PM
You may want to turn off Spotlight to increase system performance or to prevent it from indexing personal data. Here’s how to do it under Mac OS X.
Launch Terminal from the Utilites folder.
To disable Spotlight, type the following and press Return:
% sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
To disable it permanently, type this instead:
% sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
To enable Spotlight type the following and press Return:
% sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
To enable it permanently, type this instead:
% sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
For instructions on how to do this in Mac OS X Leopard, see How to completely disable Spotlight.
Tags: spotlight
苹果相关 | 评论:0
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Submitted by gouki on 2011, December 4, 9:02 PM
嗯,到现在为止,我也没有办法搜索我的电脑、mail、甚至 spotlight,真是纠结。
于是这篇disabing spotlight就成了我搜索中的目标。我想,既然能够disable spotlight,那肯定能够enable吧?
Spotlight introduces a fairely large performance hit on to the system, especially if the files you are working with are both large and have the Spotlight plugin, and thus can be indexed. Performance hit might be less noticable on the desktop system with fast drives, however on my laptop with 4200 rpm drive, and constantly dealing with megabytes of source code and compilations spotlight introduced less of a benefit and more of a hindrance.
So, without further ado, in order to disable spotlight, one has to edit /private/etc/hostconfig, find the line that reads SPOTLIGHT=-YES-, change it to SPOTLIGHT=-NO-, and rebooot.
This will prevent MetaData Service, / System / Library / Frameworks / CoreServices.framework / Versions / A / Frameworks / Metadata.framework / Versions / A / Support / mds from starting on boot time.
Note that this will not disable file change notifications in the kernel, as can be checked using Amit Singh’s fslogger. On the same page there is some more in depth information on the kernel notification service that Spotlight (and fslogger) subscribe to.
A perty GUI called Spotless was written by someone, but I am not sure I’d trust a GUI to parse and edit a text file.
If you want to get rid of the looking glass icon in the top right hand corner as well, you might want to either remove (perferably just move out of place) or chmod -R 0000 /System/Library/CoreServices/Search.bundle (Key file. Actual parts of Spotlight are: /Library/Spotlight /System/Library/Spotlight /System/Library/CoreServices/Search.bundle /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Spotlight.prefPane /System/Library/Services/Spotlight.service /System/Library/Contextual Menu Items/SpotlightCM.plugin /System/Library/StartupItems/Metadata plus /usr/bin/md*, although I’d argue that metadata tools in /usr/bin/md* are actually useful.)
Changing permissions means that if at some point you want to undo the changes, you can always repair permissions. In any case, little looking glass in the corner doesn’t bother me much.
Technically one can probably selectively start and stop Spotlight by killing or startng mds and mdimport, however a way Apple recommends is using mdutil -i off / to turn off indexing of the boot volume (ie existing databases would be preserved and accessible through spotlight).
If you ever want to blow away your Spotlight database, and force reindexing (assuming mds/mdimport run), you can do mdutil -i off /, mdutil -E / , mdutil -i on /
Note: Apprently killing spotlight interferes with find in Finder and in As I never use either (locate or find . -name “*foo*” -print on the command line is much more powerful, plus gives me an -exec stuff {} \; option), it doesn’t bother me, however ocdinsomniac has some nice additional information and a script that purports reverting Finder’s find to the Panther style behavior.
Tags: spotlight
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