Submitted by gouki on 2011, March 22, 10:32 PM
Firefox4如期来袭,你们准备好了吗?IE9,你在哪里?chrome 100你在哪里(没打错哦,chrome的版本升的太快了。。。)?Safari6?opera 11?
好了不多说了,今天上午就有传闻是FTP中可以下载了,早期还是有人可以下载得到的,但后来的人打开时都显示550 permisson denied。如今到了晚上,终于正式放出来了。
FF4给大家带来了什么 ?更小的内存占用?更漂亮的UI界面?还是更快的速度?估计大家都在折腾了,但是对我来说,大量的插件还没有升级上去,是让我们非常痛苦的事情。
顺便:FF可以直接点check for update就可以升级了啦。无需单独下载
Tags: firefox, chrome, ie, opera, safari
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:19033
Submitted by gouki on 2011, February 23, 10:14 PM
2、创建引用:junction x:\test c:\test ,第一个参数是在x盘里创建的目录,需要该目录不存在 。第二个参数是目标目录。(也就是将C盘的test目录创建了一个快捷方式到x盘的test目录下),只是这种快捷方式与平时的快捷方式不太一样而已
3、其实,这样就完事了。如果觉得目录创建错误了,可以junction -d x:\test 将它删除
- 假设知道x:\neatpic是引用来的目录,可以这样运行一下
- X:\>junction.exe x:\neatpic
- Junction v1.06 - Windows junction creator and reparse point viewer
- Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Mark Russinovich
- Sysinternals -
- x:\neatpic: JUNCTION
- Substitute Name: e:\www\htdocs\neatpic
- OK,这样就知道,目标目录是 e:\www\htdocs\neatpic
如果想知道所有的junction引用的目录,可以运行想要查看的目录下运行,junction -s,
Tags: junction
Software | 评论:1
| 阅读:32901
Submitted by gouki on 2011, February 22, 9:35 PM
KeePass Password Safe 2,这款软件是同事在用的,看他使用的时候,我觉得还不错,所以就向他找了一份,并尝试着使用了一下,觉得还是感觉不错的,所以用来推荐一下
由于我用金山快盘,所以我就每天在单位和家里进行同步喽。使用起来也算方便,也能够自己按照自己的规定生成密码,有一个好处就是可以设定双击复制密码的时候在剪贴板里存放多少时间 ,超过这个时间后就自动被清空,这相对会让人感觉比较安全。
再说一下,这个软件也有很多的插件,比较感觉不错的会有两个插件是我想用的,kefromff,和sync,一个是可以把firefox里存放的密码导入到keepass里,另一个就是帮你把数据库备份啦 。。
当然,作为一个优秀的软件,它还是有汉化包的,所以,对于普通用户来说没有什么难度啦: , 插件地址在: , 插件地址是:。
Tags: keepass
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:18293
Submitted by gouki on 2011, February 10, 1:01 PM
这次nightly build的BUG太让人郁闷了,已经影响到我的正常开发了。。
动不动就抛个出错的异常,比如:Trying to remove null annotation
- I have had no end of trouble with 20110208000 (I was unable to get
- latest beta this morning).
- My problems have mostly revolved around editing properties files.
- So far today I have received:
- IllegalStateException: Trying to remove null annotation 8
- URL Loading Failed with 502 error 7
- IllegalStateException: limitOffset=xxxx > docLength=yyyy 6
- Checking Password Failed 2
- Read Timed Out 5
- Junit failed to install properly
- This is just from editing the single properties file.
- I have submitted multiple errors, both through the "report issue" and
- the "review&
- & report" methods. The "report issue" is working, but the "review &
- report" appears to be failing consistently,
- Eric M. Smith
- Hi Eric,
- we faced a problem during the day with the server logging exceptions. It
- should be fixed now and we'll do our best to avoid such situation in the future.
- Thanks for understanding and your help,
- *Marian
Tags: netbeans
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:17221
Submitted by gouki on 2011, February 10, 10:57 AM
下载到本地后,运行junction.exe,会出现一个安装窗口,然后就什么 都没有了。其实这时候是需要到命令行下运行。。
如果不会使用直接junction.exe -?,就可以了解一些参数和实际的方法了。
官方的例子是英文的,不翻译了,毕竟就两个参数,如果不想折腾,其实就用最简单方法,运行junction.exe -?的时候就有这个例子:junction.exe d:\link c:\windows
- Windows 2000 and higher supports directory symbolic links, where a directory serves as a symbolic link to another directory on the computer. For example, if the directory D:\SYMLINK specified C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 as its target, then an application accessing D:\SYMLINK\DRIVERS would in reality be accessing C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS. Directory symbolic links are known as NTFS junctions in Windows. Unfortunately, Windows comes with no tools for creating junctions—you have to purchase the Win2K Resource Kit, which comes with the linkd program for creating junctions. I therefore decided to write my own junction-creating tool: Junction. Junction not only allows you to create NTFS junctions, it allows you to see if files or directories are actually reparse points. Reparse points are the mechanism on which NTFS junctions are based, and they are used by Windows' Remote Storage Service (RSS), as well as volume mount points.
- Please read this Microsoft KB article for tips on using junctions.
- Notethat Windows does not support junctions to directories on remote shares.
- If you want to view reparse information, the usage for Junction is the following:
- Using Junction
- Use junction to list junctions:
- Usage: [-s]
- -s Recurse subdirectories
- Examples:
- To determine if a file is a junction, specify the file name:
- junction c:\test
- To list junctions beneath a directory, include the –s switch:
- junction -s c:\
- To create a junction c:\Program-Files for "c:\Program Files":
- C:\>md Program-Files
- C:\>junction c:\Program-Files "c:\Program Files"
- To delete a junction, use the –d switch:
- junction -d c:\Program-Files
然后再说cyz的那个T盘+junction。于是我在x盘里运行了junction.exe x:\xxx e:\www\htdocs\xxx,直接把我的xxx当成引用目录
Tags: junction
Software | 评论:2
| 阅读:17841