Submitted by gouki on 2011, September 5, 9:33 PM
refactor,这种重构,其实在ZS和NETBEANS 中效果并没有现在这个软件(phpstorm)那么明显。看看它的功能就知道了。
We are working hard on new features for PhpStorm 2.1, and the ‘Extract Function/Method’ refactoring for PHP is one of them. This feature has been available since the first PhpStorm 2.1 EAP(106.444), and we are looking forward for your feedback.

Picture 1b: Select an expression

Invoke the refactoring from the menu ‘Refactor -> Extract Method‘ or using a hotkey. The default hotkey is Ctrl+Alt+M for Windows/Linux and Cmd+Opt+M for Mac.
Depending on the context of the selected code fragment, ‘Extract method’ (the code fragment is inside a method) (Picture 2b) or ‘Extract Function’(the code fragment is inside a function or script) (Picture 2a).
Picture 2a: ‘Extract Function’ dialog

Picture 2b: ‘Extract Method’ dialog

Enter the name of the new function/method. Press OK.
Picture 3a: The code fragment is replaced with a function call statement

Picture 3b: The expression is replaced with a method call expression

Picture 4a: Definition of the extracted function

Picture 4b: Definition of the extracted method

Develop with pleasure!
看完上面的内容,你是否觉 得,原来重构也可以这样简单?
Tags: phpstorm, refactor
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:16915
Submitted by gouki on 2011, September 4, 9:33 PM
如果到facebook上关注一下yii framework的群组,会发现有人在介绍,里面是一本关于1.1的书。
然后去yii framework官方上搜索一下phpstorm,会发现同一个人在说自己用phpstorm,问phpstorm有没有什么支持。结果官网说暂时好象不支持。。。
然后再搜索了一下,发现在yii的官网有一个简单的例子在说如何让项目支持yii framework。看了一下,发现,大多数都用过,只有第一点,说是把yiilite.php过滤掉。这个其实很重要了,否则有些变量就会出现提示两次。
Code completion
- Exclude yiilite.php from index:
- File → Settings → IDE Settings → File Types.
- yiilite.php to Ignore files and folders.
- Exclude not used directories, specify resources.
- File → Settings → Project settings → Directories.
- Mark framework/cli/views, protected/runtime and assets as excluded.
- Mark website root as resource root.
- Specify path to your PHP.
- File → Settings → Project settings → PHP → PHP Home.
- If your project uses common Yii framework folder you need to include it.
- File → Settings → Project settings → PHP → PHP Home → Add.
- Specify a path to framework directory.
- If you are writing unit tests you can include PHPUnit to get code completion:
- File → Settings → Project settings → PHP → PHP Home → Add.
- Specify a path to PHPUnit.
- Complete code: Ctrl+Space.
- Show method arguments: Ctrl+Q.
You should install PHPUnit to run unit tests.
- PHPUnit.
- Follow official PHPUnit installation guide.
- In your IDE: Run → Edit configurations.
- Press "+".
- Name: anything.
- Test: depending on what do you want to test select an appropriate option. Specify path.
- Use XML configuration file: specifying path to phpunit.xml. Often it's path_to_your_webroot/protected/tests/phpunit.xml.
- To run tests use SHIFT+F10.
OK,现在这样就可以简单的支持yii framework了。只是phpstorm还是有点小问题,因为提示的时候不会显示phpdoc的信息。纠结,啥时候会有doc的提示呢?
Tags: phpstorm, yii, facebook
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:24449
Submitted by gouki on 2011, August 20, 9:54 PM

放心吧,不要以为很难,其实 你也可以拥有这样的功能。在你的页面上加上这样一段代码就OK了:
<div class="rdbWrapper" data-show-read="1" data-show-send-to-kindle="1" data-show-print="1" data-show-email="1" data-version="1"></div><script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], rdb = document.createElement("script"); rdb.type = "text/javascript"; rdb.async = true; rdb.src = document.location.protocol + "//"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(rdb, s); })(); </script>
Tags: readability
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:19201
Submitted by gouki on 2011, August 17, 3:50 PM
不过WEB mail这一块还是有更新的,所以我一直以为6.5不会再出新版了。所以我才觉得那样的意外。。。

Tags: foxmail, tencent, qq, 腾讯
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:18403
Submitted by gouki on 2011, August 16, 11:34 PM
PDF to EPUB Converter是一个将PDF转换为EPUB格式的软件,有文本和图片两种转换模式,支持编辑EPUB信息,包括名称、作者、ISBN、发行商、图片 类别与注释等。EPUB是一种电子图书标准,其文字内容可以根据阅读设备的不同而以最佳阅读方式显示,iPad、iPhone、Android等均支持 EPUB图书。

Tags: nook, epub
Software | 评论:0
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