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合理使用google reader

google reader恐怕很多人都在用吧。当然在国内也有很多人使用有道的RSS订阅,鲜果的RSS订阅。
不过,我仍然是说的google reader,在我的博客里以前也介绍过。

今天我说的合理使用Google reader,是指另类的用法。
一些技术型 的博客,往往都是在国外,而正常的时候,我们好象都无法访问,怎么办?只能借着偶尔翻墙的时机,订阅那些博客的RSS源。如果你用的是国内的RSS订阅,那么也很有可能是无法订阅的。所以,GoogleReader就派用场了。

借着这个功能,我订阅了几个写mysql proxy的作者的博客。

所以,懂的喽。。。什么非死不可啦,推特啦,博客班点啦。哈哈。。。都可以尝试订阅你所关注的对象,除了这个嘛。。。。你当然仍然不能回复 。除非你为google reader推插件。。。

Tags: twitter, reader, facebook

Ways to debug your jQuery or JavaScript codes

Debugging your client code is rather a normal procedures for any web developers. Everyone will shout Firebug! yeah, me too. But Firebug is great for syntax detection but how about logic problem? In this article i will share with you some of the ways i used to debug my JavaScript or jQuery codes when I’m developing my web application. I will also share with you a trick that i used on my code to alert me that a bug occurs in a particular script since i don’t get many helpful users nowadays.

Alert Them Out

The most simple and basic way of debugging is by using JavaScript alert function. This is old but is quite useful sometimes. Especially when you do not want to remember other debugging methods. It’s pretty simple, alert the message you want to see. If the alert doesn’t appear, this means that the error is before the alert statement. I usually do this when I’m debugging IE although there are tools available for IE.

  1. alert("The Bug Is Somewhere Before ME!");  


Log them up

Well, if you are using WebKit browsers for your development (FireFox, Chrome, Safari) you may want to try this.

  1. if (window.console)  
  2.     window.console.log("The Bug is killing me");  


What this does is to log the string ‘The Bug is killing me’ into the console such as Firebug. It’s always better than using alert and see this infinity loop that keep popping out until you are force to shut down your browser!

Log them with jQuery

The above two methods work both in jQuery and JavaScript. But this only function well in jQuery. This is definitely not something i came up with but its from Dominic Mitchell

  1. jQuery.fn.log = function (msg) {  
  2.     console.log("%s: %o", msg, this);  
  3.     return this;  
  4. };  


 The above creates a function, ‘log’. This function will do exactly similar to the one above but the differences is that it format the string a little bit before displaying out to the console. This is good for debugging your long chaining with jQuery. Although the previous method also can be used to debug chaining but it will required an additional line instead of including it into the chaining process. So you can debug this way,

  1. $(root).find('li.source > input:checkbox').log("sources to uncheck").removeAttr("checked");  

Try and catch

In JavaScript, you can try to catch the error in a particular scope. This way, it won’t propagate to other section of the code.

  1. try  
  2. {  
  3.   //Run some code here  
  4. }  
  5. catch(err)  
  6. {  
  7.   //Handle errors here  
  8. }  


 This is pretty good when you are trying to debug one of the many function in your JavaScript.

Catch them all

The last one i am going to show you is to catch any one of the error into a particular function instead of using multiple try and catch.

  1. function handleError(e)  
  2. {  
  3.     alert(’An error has occurred!\n’+e);  
  4.     return true;  
  5. }  
  6. window.onerror = handleError;  

This will handle any error occurs in your JavaScript code to the function ‘handleError’. You will want to use this at the end of your script. Especially if you want to be informed whether a particular function or script has malfunction and the users are not reporting. Basically, what you can do is to gather all information and placed them into a String or JSON. Using ajax to delivery these information to your email or database. This way, your support team will have an idea which part are having problems and your system will be more reliable. (testing doesn’t means 100% bug free) The information that you may want to know are usually located at Navigator Object in JavaScript.


These are the methods i usually look at when debugging my own client script. It might not be everything but i hope it can be useful to some of you out there. Hope you learn something!



Author: Clay Lua





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不过。liba.cn还是可以访问的。。论坛嘛 ,又换了域名了。不知道下一个会是谁去举报。。。真有意思。还好我这里不允许用户输入【是评论都需要审核】






  1. Download the reCAPTCHA Library, unzip it, and copy recaptchalib.php to the directory where your forms live.先到reCAPTCHA下载PHP类库,解压拷到你的线上目录中
  2. If you haven't done so, sign up for an API key. 准备完后,你可以注册并申请一下API
  3. Now we're ready to start modifying your code. First, we'll add code to display the CAPTCHA:然后,我们开始修改代码。首先,我们先添加显示CAPTCHA验证码的代码 
    1. require_once('recaptchalib.php');  
    2. $publickey = "..."// you got this from the signup page,这里就是你刚才申请的API KEY 
    3. echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);  

   4.In the code that processes the form submission, you need to add code to validate the CAPTCHA. Otherwise, the CAPTCHA will appear, but the answers won't be checked. The validation code looks like:在提交处理页,你需要添加CAPTCHA验证代码。否则,CAPTCHA并不会验证他们。验证代码大致如下:

  1. require_once('recaptchalib.php');  
  2. $privatekey = "...";  //申请的API KEY
  3. $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,  
  4.                                 $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],  
  5.                                 $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"],  
  6.                                 $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);  
  8. if (!$resp->is_valid) {  
  9.   die ("The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again." .  
  10.        "(reCAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")");  
  11. }  






Tags: recaptcha


所幸的是,现在他开通了。别问我为什么,我也不知道,我只是从googlereader里发现了他的博客又能够被google reader看到了而己。


Tags: cssrain