Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 29, 9:33 AM
全新的 Beyond Compare 3 来了!它不仅继承了原 2.0 的文本比较的强大功能 (支持标注行号以任意颜色标注差异同步差异) 。更加强化了在文件夹对比时的多文件操作。不再以原来的多窗口方式。而是采用了流行的标签卡方式。另多个文件的比较得心应手!此外 3.0 还将增加以往只使用插件才能实现的功能: 强大的 hex 比较~快速的装载并分析两个二进制文件的差别。是程序破解的重要辅助工具。全新的图片比较~通过像素化的比较找出两幅图片的不同!(大家来找茬自动 版;))。比较 Mp3 的标签信息鉴别 Mp3 的不同。全新的向导式界面方便您迅速进入工作状态。
总之 Beyond Compare 3 是各位做软件汉化,代码开发,破解必不可缺的辅助工具!
Tags: 文件比较
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:18029
Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 28, 10:08 PM
Windows Live ID Commits to Support OpenID
Beginning today, Windows Live ID is publicly committing to support the OpenID digital identity framework with the announcement of the public availability of a Community Technology Preview (CTP) of the Windows Live ID OpenID Provider.
You will soon be able to use your Windows Live ID account to sign in to any OpenID Web site!
The Windows Live ID OpenID Provider (OP) enables anyone with a Windows Live ID account to set up an OpenID alias and to use that alias for identification at an increasing number of OpenID 2.0 relying party sites-for example: Plaxo, Pibb, and Wikispaces.
What is OpenID?
The official answer from the OpenID Foundation (the guardians of the OpenID specs) is that "OpenID is a free and easy way to use a single digital identity across the Internet." (Source:
OpenID is an emerging, de facto standard Web protocol for user authentication. It helps eliminate the need for multiple user names across different Web sites, thereby simplifying a user's online experience. Stated another way, you can reuse your OpenID account at different Web sites without having to create a new user name and password at each site you use.
More information about OpenID is available at
Windows Live ID OpenID Provider - October 2008 (CTP)
The initial release is a Community Technology Preview (CTP) Release in the Windows Live ID Integration (INT) environment. It is intended primarily for relying-party Web sites and developers of relying-party client libraries, to enable them to test the interoperability of their implementations against the Windows Live ID OP endpoint and flush out any bugs or incompatibilities.
Note that the Windows Live ID OP supports only the OpenID 2.0 protocol.
The Windows Live ID INT environment is separate from the main Production environment, and is for testing purposes only. If you have not already created a Windows Live ID user account for testing in INT, you can do so at
After you have your Windows Live ID account in INT, go to to set up your OpenID alias on that test account.
NOTE: INT accounts are for testing purposes only and are NOT intended to be permanent user accounts. They do not allow access to Windows Live services in Production.
Windows Live ID OpenID Provider - Future Release Plans
The current Technology Preview release is for testing purposes only, and is not intended for widespread adoption at this stage. After a period of industry testing and feedback, we will be incorporating any necessary fixes and feature enhancements into the next revision, to be released to Production sometime in 2009.
We do NOT recommend that anyone use their INT alias as their permanent OpenID account at this time; users should wait until the final release of the OP to Production.
Open Standards Support
All Windows Live product teams are committed to supporting open standards where such standards are relevant to our work and when they reach a sufficient level of maturity, and the Windows Live ID Team is no exception. We have been tracking the evolution of the OpenID specification, from its birth as just a dream and a vision through its development into a mature, de facto standard with terms that make it viable for us to implement it now.
We look forward to making it easier for our users to access the Web sites they use, by reducing their need to create additional identity accounts. That is the promise of OpenID. We are happy to support that goal by providing OpenID-based sign-in functionality to Windows Live ID account holders.
Try It Now. Tell Us What You Think
We want you to try the Windows Live ID OpenID Provider CTP release, let us know your feedback, and tell us about any problems you find.
To prepare:
- Go to and use the Sign up for an account link to set up a Windows Live ID test account in the INT environment.
- Go to to set up your OpenID test alias.
- Users - At any Web site that supports OpenID 2.0, type in the OpenID login box to sign in to that site by means of your Windows Live ID OpenID alias.
- Library developers - Test your libraries against the Windows Live ID OP endpoint and let us know of any problems you find.
- Web site owners - Test signing in to your site by using a Windows Live ID OpenID alias and let us know of any problems you find.
You can send us feedback at:
For more information, see the Windows Live ID blog:!AEE1BB0D86E23AAC!1745.entry
Jorgen Thelin
Tags: openid, live, support
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:21509
Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 25, 7:45 PM
Tags: alipay, 支付宝, firefox, 扩展, 解决
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:23231
Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 24, 3:42 PM
Google Analytics一直为各个站长朋友提供着优质免费的服务,今天Google Analytics进行了比较大的更新,新的功能包括自定义报表,受众分析,Adsense分析,开放API,还有一些用户界面的更新.
1. 自定义报告: Lets you create reports using any source of data (such as people who have bought something on your site, average number of pageviews, geography, visiting source) as the X and Y coordinates for a chart.
2. 受众分析: Lets you look at custom slices of your Website’s audience (such as people who stay for more than two minutes, people who came from TechCrunch, people who came from the New York Times, people who bought something, people who came from Techcrunch and bought something).
3. Adsense集成: This was along time coming. You can already track how your AdWords campaigns impact traffic to your site. Now you can see data from your AdSense account as well. Marry that with Google Analytics data and you can get new insights into not only which ads you place through AdSense are doing the best, but from which referring sites. (Read more on the AdSense blog).
4. API: This will be rolling out “soon,’ but is also being announced today. Google will open up an API to Gogle Analytics that will allow developers to pipe all of the data in Google Analytics to other Websites, tools, widgets, or even mobile apps. So if someone wants to create a widget that will let people show their Google Analytics charts on their blog, that will be possible.
5. 气泡方式显示图表: The new motion charts allow you to visualize data across five dimensions (x axis, y axis, size of bubble, color of bubble, and position over time). It lets you create an animation to show you what’s been happening with your Website’s key metrics. This feature comes out of the Trendalyzer software Google bought from Gapminder in 2007. (See video below).
6. 用户界面优化: You’ll notice some new subtle shading and highlighting. But the biggest change will be in the management dashboard. Now, if you track more than one Website with Google Analytics, you will be able to see trends across all of them at once.
Tags: google, analytics, 统计, 优化, 更新
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:22201
Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 23, 3:35 PM
小道消息:Linux 操作系统下的 Firefox 用户,从现在开始也可以用支付宝了。参见支付宝官方网志的安装指导。最近微软黑屏事件闹得挺凶,但这个时候支付宝发布新的安全控件,应该和此事无关。
至于很多苹果用户期待的在 Mac 下使用支付宝的事情,请稍安勿躁,有望在 11 月中旬得到解决。届时也将在支付志第一时间发布。支付宝安全工程师一直在努力!
支持 Mac 操作系统,通用的数字证书,更为安全、开放的支付宝时代即将到来。
Tags: 支付宝, linux, firefox, alipay, mac
Software | 评论:0
| 阅读:25868