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首页 > PHP >

以下是官方的change log:


- completed compilation of {include} tag, variable scoping same as in smarty2

- added compilation of {capture} tag.

- added error message on none existing template files.

- added comments in the parser definition y file.

- added array of $smarty_token_names to lexer for use in trigger_template_error function

- change handling of none smarty2 style tags like {if}, {for}....

- lexer/parser optimization


- create different compiled template files depending if caching and/or security is enabled

- cleaned up compiler

- lexer/parser optimization


- new method trigger fatal error, displays massage and terminates smarty

- compile error status flag added
The compiler will in case of error continue to parse the template(s) to display all errors. No compiled
templates will be written, Smarty terminates after the compiler exits.

- added error message to function __call in Smarty.class.php

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Tags: smarty, version, php, template, smarttemplate

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一直在用smarty,希望3.0 alpha 少些bug

Post by Hosting on 2009, November 13, 5:39 PM 引用此文发表评论 #1


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