mysql proxy 终于有一个release版本了。只是我最近还用不到这个。纯记录一下
MySQL Proxy 0.7.0 is finally released:
The full ChangeLog is a bit longer as 0.7.0 was more than a year in the works. To make it short: it is faster, better and more flexible.
Binaries will be release at shortly.
For everyone who just wants to update from 0.6.1 to 0.7.0 you should just see a major speed improvement.
- A bug in the
-phase that caused to leave the Naggle-algorithm enabled caused a unneccesary high latency. - We also changed the buffering of result-sets to only buffer them if the scripts really ask for them with
resultset_is_needed = true
, see the examples.
Please keep in mind that 0.7.0 isn't a drop-in replacement for 0.6.1. We changed a few objects inside the lua layer which need some small changes to your Lua scripts:
is nowproxy.connection.client.src.address
full description- the resultset is only available in the resultset handler if
proxy.queries:append(id, packet, { resultset_is_needed = true })
Our focus for the way to 1.0 will be around threading to remove this scalability bottleneck. A first code-drop is already available at launchpad: threaded-io