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Hack 74. Crontab

Using cron you can execute a shell-script or Linux commands at a specific time and date. For example a sysadmin can schedule a backup job that can run every day. 

How to add a job to the cron?

# crontab –e
0 5 * * * /root/bin/

This will execute /root/bin/ at 5 a.m every day.
上面这条指令,让你在每天上午5点 运行 /root/bin/目录下的 指令

Description of Cron fields.

Following is the format of the crontab file.

{minute} {hour} {day-of-month} {month} {day-of-week} {full-path-to-shell-script}
{分钟} {小时} {每月的第几天} {月份} {每周的第几天} {指令的全路径}
o  minute: Allowed range 0 -59
o  分钟的取值范围是 0-59

o  hour: Allowed range 0 -23
o  小时的取值范围是 0-23

o  day-of-month: Allowed range 0 - 31
o  每月的第几天,取值范围为 0-31

o  month: Allowed range 1 -12.  1 = January. 12 = December.
o  月份的取值范围为 1-12 ,1是1月,12是12月

o  Day-of-week: Allowed range 0 -7. Sunday is either 0 or 7.
o  每周的第几天,取值范围为0-7,0或者7都代表星期天
Crontab examples
Crontab 的例子

1. Run at 12:01 a.m. 1 minute after midnight everyday. This is a good time to run backup when the system is not under load. 
1. 每天午夜12点零1分 ,当系统不再被加载时就是进行备份的好时机(not under load翻译不来)
1 0 * * * /root/bin/

2.  Run backup every weekday (Mon – Fri) at 11:59 p.m. 

59 11 * * 1,2,3,4,5 /root/bin/
Following will also do the same.

59 11 * * 1-5 /root/bin/

3. Execute the command every 5 minutes.
*/5 * * * * /root/bin/
4. Execute at 1:10 p.m on 1st of every month
10 13 1 * * /root/bin/
5. Execute 11 p.m on weekdays.
0 23 * * 1-5 /root/bin/
Crontab Options
Crontab 的一些参数

Following are the available options with crontab:

o  crontab –e : Edit the crontab file. This will create a crontab, if it doesn’t exist
o  crontab -e : 编辑crontab文件,如果文件不存在,则创建一个crontab

o  crontab –l : Display the crontab file.
o  crontab -l : 显示crontab文件

o  crontab -r : Remove the crontab file.
o  crontab -r : 删除crontab文件

o  crontab -ir : This will prompt user before deleting a crontab. 
o  crontag -ir : 删除crontab文件,但在删除前会让用户进行确认

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