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YUI 3.0 Preview Release 1

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The YUI development team has issued YUI 3.0 Preview Release 1, an early look at the next generation of the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). This developer preview shows you where the library is headed as we pursue goals of size, performance, consistency, power, security, and openness.

You can read the introduction to the new release on YUIBlog and get a sense of the new syntactical style in this blog post, which reviews Dav Glass's Draggable Portable example — one of more than 60 examples that accompany the preview's extensive documentation.

YUI 3.0 PR 1 is an early preview — not suitable for production deployment. The development team is looking forward to your feedback in the YUI 3.x community forum as we refine the API toward a 2009 release.

Work continues on YUI's main 2.x codeline, too, and YUI 2.x is still the foundation for current projects. Check out the library's Roadmap for a up-to-date picture of what we're planning for upcoming releases.


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Tags: javascript, yui, preview, release, framewok

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