Submitted by gouki on 2008, August 23, 9:02 AM
首先我们得控制好要应用小图标的对象的高度. 否则到时候这个图标就会显示异常了.
比如说我们要给 li 标签使用这个小东东, 那么我们就得写上这样的代码:
- li {
- height: 12px;
- line-height: 12px;
- background: url('icons.gif') 0 -12px;
- padding-top: 0;
- padding-bottom: 0;
- padding-left: 14px;
- margin: 2px 0;
- overflow: hidden;
- }
显然, 把小图标都放到一个文件里的话会带来很多的问题. 比如要限定宽度和高度 [也就是内容会显示不完整] , 并且 padding 也将无法使用 [也就是会影响到 border 等属性的效果] .
当然也有解决办法. 那就是 — 把每个小图标的距离拉开, 或者干脆把他们都拆成单独的文件..
Tags: css, 背景色, position
Javascript | 评论:0
| 阅读:23387
Submitted by gouki on 2008, August 22, 9:33 AM
<div id='audio_file' style="display:none">aaa.mp3</div> |
2、取消选中源代码,继续编辑你的文章,这时候刚才的 aaa.mp3 会显示在内容里,不用理会他,成功后不会影响文件的编辑的。或者,你也可以在文件内容编辑完毕后,再选中源代码,在源代码的最上面加入这一行就行了。
- <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
- <script>
- try
- {
- var audio = document.getElementById('audio_file');
- if(audio.innerText != ''){
- var audio_flash = '';
- var audio_vars = {};
- audio_vars.soundFile = '' + audio.innerText;
- audio_vars.loop = 'yes';
- audio_vars.autostart = 'yes';
- set_audioplayer( audio_flash , audio_vars );
- }
- }
- catch (e){}
- </script>
Tags: supesite, 背景音乐, mp3播放器
Software | 评论:2
| 阅读:21943
Submitted by gouki on 2008, August 21, 10:49 PM
Tags: javascript, speed, framework
Javascript | 评论:0
| 阅读:25229
Submitted by gouki on 2008, August 20, 11:53 PM
An overview of new features:
- Dojo Integration
- Dojo Data packing
- Dojo View Helper
- Dijit integration with Zend_Form & Zend_View
- Dojo Library Distribution
- SOAP Server
- SOAP Client
- Autodiscovery
- WSDL access
- WSDL Generation
- Preview of Tooling Project in Laboratory (see /laboratory folder)
- Command Line Interface
- Project Asset Management
- Unit Testing Harness for Controllers
- Lucene 2.3 Index File Format Support
- Zend_Session save handler for Database Tables
- Paginator Component
- Text/Figlet Support
- ReCaptcha Service
- Zend_Config_Xml Attribute Support
- Character Set Option for DB Adapters
- Zend File Transfer Component
- New Media View Helpers (Flash, Quicktime, Object, and Page)
- Support in Zend_Translate for INI File Format
This obviously marks a very important step towards a high-quality, highly tested 1.6 GA release. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release in any way: with patches/check ins, documentation/translations, and bug reports.
But our work is not yet over! Let's do our best to bring this release to the breaking point to find areas we can improve the release for General Availability. Based on your feedback we will determine in the next few weeks whether we require additional release candidates, so please provide feedback on our issue tracker ( as soon as you can and ask any questions/post your experiences on the appropriate mailing list.
Again, the Zend Framework community does NOT recommend this release for production use. We do, however, recommend evaluating new features in this release with existing and new applications.
Enjoy 1.6RC1, and see you on the issue tracker, wiki, and mailing lists!
不知道:Zend File Transfer Component,这个会给我们带来什么样的惊喜?大文件传输还是其他的?下载源码研究一下,哈哈
Tags: soap, zend framework, zf, framework, dojo
PHP Framework | 评论:0
| 阅读:26167
Submitted by gouki on 2008, August 19, 11:20 PM
By Aldemar Bernal
So, what is wrong with Zend_Acl and the current MVC implementation in the Zend Framework? there is nothing wrong, it is just that it gets not too obvious for developers how to achieve an optimal integration between these two important parts of the framework.
First at all, this article is based on the following Zend Framework Proporsal (link), by this moment this proposal is in Pending Recommendation state.
Well, how it works? There are two key components in this proposal:
- A Front Controller Plugin: This component resolves if the current user has access to the page which is being opened.
- An Action Helper: This component allows you to check whether the current user has access inside a controller.
Based on these two components, let's try them with an example. Let's talk about a website like DevZone, we would need a controller that work with the user management and another one which will deal with article management, as well we need 3 types of users (roles), one for guests, one for writers and another one which will approve the articles; resuming, we have:
- user controller.
- article controller.
- Guest.
- Writer.
- Admin.
Setting up the Zend_Acl component
After defined what we want to do, the next step will create a Zend_Acl instance which will reflect our model.
/** Creating the ACL object */
require_once 'Zend/Acl.php';
$myAcl = new Zend_Acl();
Creating the roles
Now we create the roles in our Zend_Acl instance.
/** Creating Roles */
require_once 'Zend/Acl/Role.php';
$myAcl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('guest'))
->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('writer'), 'guest')
->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('admin'), 'writer');
Creating the resources
And then we create the resources needed (one per controller) and their relationship with the roles we created.
/** Creating resources */
require_once 'Zend/Acl/Resource.php';
$myAcl->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('user'))
->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('article'));
Creating the permissions
Now that we added the roles and resources to our Zend_Acl instance, it's time to explain what actions must be available to which roles.
- Guest won't have access to edit, add or approve an article.
- Writer won't have access to approve an article.
- Admin will have complete access.
/** Creating permissions */
$myAcl->allow('guest', 'user')
->deny('guest', 'article')
->allow('guest', 'article', 'view')
->allow('writer', 'article', array('add', 'edit'))
->allow('admin', 'article', 'approve');
Creating the access denied view file
We will need to create a view and an action which will address all those denied users, in order to do it, first we create a new action in our error controller:
class ErrorController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function deniedAction()
And then we create our view file (/application/views/scripts/error/denied.phtml) with some warning message:
<h2>Access denied</h2>
<p>You are trying to access an area which you have not allowed.</p>
Finishing the configuration
Okay, we have setup our Zend_Acl configuration, so far, it doesn't look like something new, but the next step is register the controller plugin, this important part takes the Zend_Acl instance we created and then validates it against the current page being accessed by an user.
/** Setting up the front controller */
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Front.php';
$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
/** Registering the Plugin object */
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Plugin/Acl.php';
$aclPlugin = new Zend_Controller_Plugin_Acl($myAcl);
$front->registerPlugin(new Zend_Controller_Plugin_Acl($acl, 'guest'));
/** Dispatching the front controller */
After this configuration is done, once an user enters in our application, depending the role he/she has the page will be displayed or an access denied page will be displayed.
For more information about this you can go to:
Zend_Acl & MVC Integration
and here is a small implementation source code of this:
Source Code
Tags: framework, zend, mvc, zend_acl
PHP Framework | 评论:0
| 阅读:25510