Submitted by gouki on 2009, February 14, 10:08 PM
gXOgle? 你没看错. 酒红色的G__gle字母形状没有变化, 中间两个O消失了, 取而代之的是用口红画上去的"xo"两个字母. 以上就是Google 2009情人节的logo图案. 由于时差关系, 谷歌换用logo的时候, google.com还没有换. 其他同在亚洲时区的国家也相继换用了此logo. 第一眼看到X和O, 肯定会想到一个网络名词: "OOXX". 不过, 这可是纯正的中国特色词语, 难道老外也有这种用法吗? 还是, 另有所指? 下面还是请大家欣赏一下这个logo, 然后跟随我们的文章猜想一下为什么logo会是这个样子.
无论如何, 祝所有情侣和所有去死团团员们, 情人节快乐!
XE的说法1: 网络语言"OOXX"
“OOXX online”本来是一款极限单车游戏的名字。“OOXX”即“圈圈叉叉”,就是指单车的车圈和车叉。这款游戏惊险刺激深受年轻人喜爱,因而逐渐引申为“ 惊险刺激的PK”之义。 而后,由于“圈圈叉叉”会被误读或误写作其同音字(和谐),从而“OOXX”就开始具备一些(和谐)的含义了,也就是(和谐)的意思。同时,因为(和谐) 在国人的传统观念中是见不得人的,所以“OOXX”在一些论坛中也指,因作坏事或说错话而被管理员封贴或封号。 有了(和谐)的意思之后,网路上众多具有高度语言天赋和智慧的达人,就真正开始YY和BT这个词了。用象形解释的话, “OO”和“XX”在(和谐)中就拥有了性别上的区分。从而,最终极最强的解释和引申就出现了:“OOXX”指“女上男下”,“XXOO”指 “男上女下”.
字面意思的说法2: "XO"
xo是指白兰地中的专用术语. 所有白兰地酒厂, 都用字母来分别品质, 例举如下:
F代表FINE (好)
V代表VERY (很好)
O代表OLD (老的)
P代表PALE (淡色而苍老)
X代表EXTRA (格外的)
对于干邑的级别, 法国政府有着极为严格的规则,酒商是不能随意自称的。总括而言,有下列之类别:
有点儿靠谱的说法3: Hugs & Kisses
Inmedieval times, most people were unable to read or write. When it came time to sign a document, people who could not write usually made an "X" mark. Of course,an "X" is not much of a signature.To add a sense of commitment, it became customary to kiss the "X" after writing it.
在中世纪, 大多数人的文化水平都比较低. 在签署文件的时候, 中国人一般按手印, 西方人如果不知名字怎么写, 通常写一个"X"作为代替. 当然"X"本身不能作为签名, 为了添加个人信息, 通常会在那个"X"上亲吻一下.
Kissing the "X" was "performance law," a ritual act that bound thepartiesthe way legal documents bind us today. This act, witnessed by the person who wrote the text, represented asolemn guaranteeof the truthfulness of what was written, and an oath to carry out whatever obligations were stated in the document.
亲吻"X"是一项不成文的法则, 就象现在法律文档对我们的约束力一般. 这表明签字人对所写的东西保证其真实有效, 勇于对所写内容承担责任.
Over the years, the "X" and the kiss became interchangeable. Today, people who can read and write might still add one or more "X" marks to their letters, maybe with a couple of "O"s thrown in for hugs.
许多年过去了, "X"变成了和亲吻等价的符号. 人们在写信时加上"X"代表亲吻, 同时加上"O"则表示一个拥抱.
The Oxford English Dictionary states that X is "used to represent a kiss, esp. in the subscription to a letter.". There is no general consensus on the origins of the O as a hug. The O could relate to the shape formed when two hands are crossed in a hug, forming a type of O. The 'X' may also refer to the pursing of the lips when kissing.
牛津英语字典叙述 X 为“用于表达吻,尤其在书信的署名处”。但对于作为拥抱含义的 O 的起源并没有普遍共识。字母 O 可能与拥抱时两手交叠而成 O 的形状有关系。字母 X 可能也与接吻时噘起嘴唇而成的形状有关。

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Submitted by gouki on 2009, February 13, 3:06 PM
file_get_contents.php: Post数据
- <?php
- function Post($url, $post = null)
- {
- $context = array();
- if (is_array($post))
- {
- ksort($post);
- $context['http'] = array
- (
- 'method' => 'POST',
- 'content' => http_build_query($post, '', '&'),
- );
- }
- return file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($context));
- }
- $data = array
- (
- 'name' => 'test',
- 'email' => '',
- 'submit' => 'submit',
- );
- echo Post('http://localhost/5-5/request_post_result.php', $data);
- ?>
request_post_result.php 接收经过Post的数据:
- <?php
- echo $_POST['name'];
- echo $_POST['email'];
- echo $_POST['submit'];
- echo "fdfd";
- ?>
看一下,里面有一个特别的函数:stream_context_create,翻开手册看了一下,也没说什么呀,只是说:Creates and returns a stream context with any options supplied in options
Note: Context support was added with PHP 5.0.0. For a description of contexts, refer to Reference CLX, Stream Functions.
关于Stream Functions,手册上这么描述的。。。
A wrapper is additional code which tells the stream how to handle specific protocols/encodings. For example, the http wrapper knows how to translate a URL into an HTTP/1.0 request for a file on a remote server. There are many wrappers built into PHP by default (See Appendix O), and additional, custom wrappers may be added either within a PHP script using stream_wrapper_register(), or directly from an extension using the API Reference in Chapter 52. Because any variety of wrapper may be added to PHP, there is no set limit on what can be done with them. To access the list of currently registered wrappers, use stream_get_wrappers().
A stream is referenced as: scheme
(string) - The name of the wrapper to be used. Examples include: file, http, https, ftp, ftps, compress.zlib, compress.bz2, and php. See Appendix O for a list of PHP built-in wrappers. If no wrapper is specified, the function default is used (typically file://).
- Depends on the wrapper used. For filesystem related streams this is typically a path and filename of the desired file. For network related streams this is typically a hostname, often with a path appended. Again, see Appendix O for a description of targets for built-in streams.
Tags: php, post
PHP | 评论:5
| 阅读:47776
Submitted by gouki on 2009, February 13, 2:53 PM
Submitted by gouki on 2009, February 13, 1:28 PM
Tags: 公交
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Submitted by gouki on 2009, February 12, 10:50 PM
其实真的很吃惊,但后来想想,又觉得是可以接受的。试想Gphone连debian都能装上,这个iphone装一个web server又怎么样呢?
苹果经常在自己的广告里吹嘘,App Store 里的数万种应用几乎能让你的iPhone 无所不能,不过有时候他们的确不是在吹牛。
最新的一例就是,一款名叫 ServersMan@iPhone [App Store 链接] 的应用能够将你的 iPhone 变成一台功能成熟的 Web 服务器。该应用开发者是位于东京的 FreeBit 公司,该公司的主要业务是向其他虚拟网络运营商(VNO) 及互联网服务商(ISPs)提供网络平台。
当 iPhone 安装并启用这一应用后,普通的联网电脑能够像访问服务器一样通过网络浏览器访问该 iPhone 并上载或下载文件,甚至还可以使用 webDAV 协议。如果 PC 与 iPhone 处于同一个网络中,PC 可以直接连接到 iPhone ;如果 PC 与 iPhone 分别处于不同的网络中,FreeBit 的虚拟专用网络(VPN)软件能够帮助两者实现连接。
至于该应用的名字“ServersMan” 的来历,开发者称是源于索尼的 WalkMan,索尼公司前 CEO 出井伸之(Nobuyuki Idei) 目前是该公司的商业顾问。
ServersMan 应用目前仅限于日本的 App Store(日文版),开发者表示英文版将于 3 月份发布,此外针对 Windows Mobile 的另一个版本也在开发计划中。
Tags: iphone, webserver, gphone
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