因为发现问题都是出现在load from cache,所以想了下,还是用composer clear-cache清空一下。然后composer global update,再回到本目录,进行composer update
One of the changes which came with macOS Catalina was the introduction of a read-only root volume for the OS. For users or environments which were used to using adding directories to the root level of the boot drive, this change meant they could no longer do that.
To address this need, Apple added a new method for creating directories at the root level which leverages Apple File System’s new firmlink functionality. Firmlinks are new in macOS Catalina and are similar in function to Unix symbolic links, but instead of only allowing travel one way (from source to destination) firmlinks allow bi-directional travel.
The use of firmlinks is exclusively reserved for the OS’s own use, but Apple has also made available what are called synthetic firmlinks. These synthetic firmlinks are how the OS enables folks to create directories and symbolic links on the read-only boot volume. For more details, please see below the jump.
To create a synthetic firmlink, you need to do the following:
1. Create a file in the /etc directory named synthetic.conf.
2. Make sure /etc/synthetic.conf has the following permissions:
- root: read, write
- wheel: read
- everyone: read
3. In /etc/synthetic.conf, define the name(s) of the empty directory or symbolic link you want to have appear at the root level.
4. After all desired entries have been made, save the /etc/synthetic.conf file.
5. Restart the Mac to apply the changes.
For example, /etc/synthetic.conf may look like this:
- # create an empty directory named "foo" at / which may be mounted over
- foo
- # create a symbolic link named "bar" at / which points to
- # "System/Volumes/Data/bar", a writeable location at the root of the data volume
- bar System/Volumes/Data/bar
- # create a symbolic link named "baz" at / which points to "Users/me/baz"
- baz Users/me/baz
Note: In those cases where you’re creating a symbolic link and are including a path, the start point for the directory path is not /. Instead, it is the next directory level down.
To show how this works, I’ve created a directory containing installer packages located at /Users/Shared/installers.

To create a symbolic link at the root level named installers which points to /Users/Shared/installers, I would do the following:
1. Create the /etc/synthetic.conf file if it didn’t already exist.
2. Add the following entry to the /etc/synthetic.conf file:
installers Users/Shared/installers

3. Reboot the Mac.
Note: Whomever designed this came down on the “tabs” side of the “tabs vs. spaces” debate. When creating the separation between installers and Users/Shared/installers in the /etc/synthetic.conf file, you need to use tabs. If you use spaces instead, the synthetic firmlink won’t be created.
After the reboot, you should see a symbolic link named installers at the root level of the boot volume. When you navigate to it, you should see the contents of /Users/Shared/installers.

To remove the symbolic link, remove the relevant entry from /etc/synthetic.conf and then restart. After the reboot, the installers symbolic link should be missing from the root level of the boot volume.

For more information, please see the synthetic.conf man page. This is available by entering the following command in Terminal on macOS Catalina:
man synthetic.conf,可以看到内容大致这样:
- synthetic.conf
- synthetic.conf -- synthetic symbolic link and directory manifest
- synthetic.conf describes virtual symbolic links and empty directories to
- be created at the root mount point. Because the root mount point is read-
- only as of macOS 10.15, physical files may not be created at this loca-
- tion. All writeable paths must reside on the data volume, which is
- mounted at /System/Volumes/Data.
- synthetic.conf provides a mechanism for some limited, user-controlled
- file-creation at /. The synthetic entities described in this file are
- synthesized by the kernel during early system boot. They are not physi-
- cally present on the disk, but when the system is booted, they behave as
- if they were within certain parameters.
- synthetic.conf is intended to be used for creating mount points at /
- (e.g. for use as NFS mount points in enterprise deployments) and symbolic
- links (e.g. for creating a package manager root without modifying the
- system volume). synthetic.conf is read by apfs.util(8) during early sys-
- tem boot.
- synthetic.conf specifies a single synthetic entity per line. Each line
- may have one or two columns, separated by a tab character. If a line has
- a single column, it denotes a virtual empty directory to be created at /.
- If a line has two columns, it denotes a symbolic link at / whose link
- target is given in the second column.
- In either case, the first column denotes the name of the entity to be
- created at /.
- A line beginning with the # character indicates a comment that is not
- parsed.
- Synthetic entities may not be deleted at runtime. In order to delete a
- synthetic entity, it must be removed from synthetic.conf, and the host
- must be rebooted.
- New files and directories may not be created within a synthetic empty
- directory.
- # create an empty directory named "foo" at / which may be mounted over
- foo
- # create a symbolic link named "bar" at / which points to
- # "System/Volumes/Data/bar", a writeable location at the root of the data volume
- bar System/Volumes/Data/bar
- # create a symbolic link named "baz" at / which points to "Users/me/baz"
- baz Users/me/baz
- /etc/synthetic.conf
- apfs.util(8) shutdown(8) reboot(2)
- Darwin/macOS 2 July 2019 Darwin/macOS
参考 一下上面的内容,可以简单的试用一下。其实还行吧。(如果图片看不到。。就忍忍吧。)
1、在/etc目录下建一个 synthetic.conf 文件
2、设定的权限是:root 读写 wheel 读 everyone 读 ,权限值为:644
比如你要在根目录下映射 一个 server,对应的是 /Users/gouki/Desktop,那就直接: server /Users/gouki/Desktop 就完事了
2、两个目录之间的间隔用tab,不是空格。原例子里用的是nano编辑 ,我用vim编辑的时候,tab居然无法输入(崩溃 )
3、对应的目录前好象不需要 /
有时候编译的时候会出现这个错误,提示是说:Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path 。然后会告诉你有两个路径的存在