write.php: 将任务写入队列
- <?php
- /*
- 产生队列
- */
- //用微秒生成队列文件名。因为会有多个队列,所以加了一个identifier来区分各个队列
- function mt($identifier='default')
- {
- return sprintf("%.6f.%s",strtok(microtime(),' ')+strtok(''),$identifier);
- }
- while(1) //实际中尽量不要while(1) 非要while(1)记得任务完成要break
- {
- if(count(glob('./queue/*.identifier'))>=10) //队列最大长度,不限制的话硬盘可能会受不了哦。
- {
- sleep(1);//记住这里要sleep,否则队列满了cpu占用很高
- continue;
- }
- $url = 'www.'.time().'.com'; //随便举个例子,我用时间戳生成了一个网址
- echo "$url\r\n";
- $fp = fopen('./queue/'.mt('identifier'),'w');
- fwrite($fp,$url);
- fclose($fp);
- sleep(1);//这里不需要sleep,我sleep是因为我的任务太简单。
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- /*
- 处理队列
- */
- while(1) //实际程序最好不要while(1)如果while(1),记得处理完任务要break
- {
- if($queue = glob('./queue/*.identifier'))
- {
- $q = array_shift($queue);
- $url = file_get_contents($q);
- echo $url."\r\n";
- unlink($q);
- }
- sleep(1);//这里要不要sleep或sleep多久自己凭感觉来。
- }
- ?>
A deque is a data structure consisting of a list of items, on which the following operations are possible.
* push(D,X) -- insert item X on the rear end of deque D.
* pop(D) -- remove the front item from the deque D and return it.
* inject(D,X) -- insert item X on the front end of deque D.
* eject(D) -- remove the rear item from the deque D and return it.
Write routines to support the deque that take O(1) time per operation.
push(D,X) 将项X 插入到双端队列D的前端
pop(D) 从双端队列D中删除前端项并将其返回
inject(D,X) 将项X插入到双端队列D的尾端
eject(D) 从双端队列D中删除尾端项并将其返回
百度百科:(deque,全名double-ended queue)是一种具有队列和栈的性质的数据结构。双端队列中的元素可以从两端弹出,其限定插入和删除操作在表的两端进行。
- <?php
- //Input limit double-ende queue
- class DoubleEndedQueue1 {
- var $queue = array();
- function add($var){
- return array_push($this->queue, $var);
- }
- function frontRemove(){
- return array_shift($this->queue);
- }
- function rearRemove(){
- return array_pop($this->queue);
- }
- }
- //Output limit double-ende queue
- class DoubleEndedQueue2 {
- var $queue = array();
- function remove(){
- return array_pop($this->queue);
- }
- function frontAdd($var){
- return array_unshift($this->queue, $var);
- }
- function rearAdd($var){
- return array_push($this->queue, $var);
- }
- }
- //Test code
- $q = new DoubleEndedQueue1;
- $q->add('aaa');
- $q->add('bbb');
- $q->add('ccc');
- $q->add('ddd');
- echo $q->frontRemove();
- echo "<br>";
- echo $q->rearRemove();
- echo "<br>";
- print_r($q->queue);
- ?>
array_unshift -- 在数组开头插入一个或多个单元
array_pop -- 将数组最后一个单元弹出(出栈)
array_shift -- 将数组开头的单元移出数组
// 来自 PHP5 in Practice (U.S.)Elliott III & Jonathan D.Eisenhamer
- <?php
- // A library to implement queues in PHP via arrays
- // The Initialize function creates a new queue:
- function &queue_initialize() {
- // In this case, just return a new array
- $new = array();
- return $new;
- }
- // The destroy function will get rid of a queue
- function queue_destroy(&$queue) {
- // Since PHP is nice to us, we can just use unset
- unset($queue);
- }
- // The enqueue operation adds a new value unto the back of the queue
- function queue_enqueue(&$queue, $value) {
- // We are just adding a value to the end of the array, so can use the
- // [] PHP Shortcut for this. It's faster than using array_push
- $queue[] = $value;
- }
- // Dequeue removes the front of the queue and returns it to you
- function queue_dequeue(&$queue) {
- // Just use array unshift
- return array_shift($queue);
- }
- // Peek returns a copy of the front of the queue, leaving it in place
- function queue_peek(&$queue) {
- // Return a copy of the value found in front of queue
- // (at the beginning of the array)
- return $queue[0];
- }
- // Size returns the number of elements in the queue
- function queue_size(&$queue) {
- // Just using count will give the proper number:
- return count($queue);
- }
- // Rotate takes the item on the front and sends it to the back of the queue.
- function queue_rotate(&$queue) {
- // Remove the first item and insert it at the rear.
- $queue[] = array_shift($queue);
- }
- // Let's use these to create a small queue of data and manipulate it.
- // Start by adding a few words to it:
- $myqueue =& queue_initialize();
- queue_enqueue($myqueue, 'Opal');
- queue_enqueue($myqueue, 'Dolphin');
- queue_enqueue($myqueue, 'Pelican');
- // The queue is: Opal Dolphin Pelican
- // Check the size, it should be 3
- echo '<p>Queue size is: ', queue_size($myqueue), '</p>';
- // Peek at the front of the queue, it should be: Opal
- echo '<p>Front of the queue is: ', queue_peek($myqueue), '</p>';
- // Now rotate the queue, giving us: Dolphin Pelican Opal
- queue_rotate($myqueue);
- // Remove the front element, returning: Dolphin
- echo '<p>Removed the element at the front of the queue: ',
- queue_dequeue($myqueue), '</p>';
- // Now destroy it, we are done.
- queue_destroy($myqueue);
- ?>