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Help Test jQuery 1.3 Beta 1

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The jQuery team has been working hard on the new release of the jQuery library and it’s ready for some in-depth testing! jQuery 1.3 is not ready for production use yet but we need help to weed out any bugs that might’ve snuck through.



  • Selector Engine - The selector code has undergone a complete rewrite - it’s likely that some edge cases still exist here.
  • DOM Manipulation (append/prepend/before/after) - This code has also undergone a large rewrite along with some of the logic for executing inline script elements.
  • .offset() - Another method that has been completely rewritten.
  • Event Namespaces - The logic for handling namespaced events has been completely rewritten.
  • Event Triggering - When triggering an event the event now bubbles up the DOM - this is likely to cause some problems.



如果你写了一些代码,并认为它触发了这些BUG,你可以提交到: ,当然提交的代码尽量是简短一些,提交的时候也需要将你的mail写上,这样,jQuery Team可能在修改后会通知你的哦。

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Tags: javascript, jquery, beta, new release

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