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vagrant up报错:Error on Vagrant Up related to Guest Permissions

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那时候只要装一个hosts管理软件,然后指定127.0.0.1 为host,同时将虚拟机的端口映射出来就行了。所有的apache/nginx配置都在虚拟机里完成。好处当然有,在那个没有vagrant的年代,vmware+虚拟机文件,团队里就有统一的开发环境了,这时候不用担心他们用windows还是用mac又或者用linux。环境统统一样。


之前弄好的时候,vagrant ssh都可以直接免密登录的(毕竟读Homestead.yaml,其实是Homestead下有一个Vagrantfile,里面的脚本让他可以读到Homestead.yaml)。

刚才修改了一下Homestead.yaml,结果登录的时候就需要输入密码了,密码当然没啥问题,不就是vagrant么。但为什么呢?报错信息是:Guest-specific operations were attempted on a machine that is not ready for guest communication. This should not happen and a bug should be reported.网上查了查,很多人出现过这个情况:有人说,删了~/.vagrant.d目录就行了。但我不行啊。这个目录下有6G,而且我下的box是支持parallels desktop的。如果重下,代价太大了。(网速太慢)

我尝试vagrant halt再vagrant up,发现一个问题,提示我有一个port从8025没法映射到mac 的8025,而改成2200了。我想了想,好象我在mac安装了mailhog,难道是因为这个原因?于是我brew services stop mailhog,再vagrant up,果然 没有报错


The fix for this issue was released in the plugin. The root cause is due to the network reset after applying port forwards. It causes DHCP configured devices to drop their address and re-acquire a new lease which leads to the "Guest-specific operations..." error. The fix adds a pause after applying the forwards before continuing. If you find that the pause is not long enough, it can be configured using a provider configuration option:




好了,问题解决。安心 睡觉




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Tags: vagrant, homestead, mailhog

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