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phpstorm的splash screen中换LOGO了

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其实,这是一个EAP的splash screen,不知道新版是不是真的会变。所以我贴出来了


This holiday’s EAP brings a traditional set of improvements. Some highlights are:

  • PHP type inference for ’$var->prop’ and ‘$var['key']‘ expressions (assignments tracking, instanceof and ‘is_bool’-like functions)
  • Code folding in Twig templates for blocks and control structures
  • Textmate bundle support included
  • More details on PHP and Platform changes available in tracker

We are working on improved type inference, composer support and framework integration, although features will take some time to show up.

As usual, bear in mind that you are getting a snapshot of work in progress and product will undergo series of technical and cosmetic changes.

Download PhpStorm 6.0 EAP build 124.295 for your platform from project EAP page. Patch-update is also available.

This is a last build.. of 2012. We are closed for holidays and wish you a happy apocalypse.
Spent your time with pleasure!
-JetBrains Web IDE Team

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尺寸: 500 x 375
浏览: 1824 次
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