API Changes
* chg: proto array xcache_clear_cache(int type, [ int id = -1 ]). -1 means all cache splits
* new: proto array xcache_enable_cache(int type, [ int id = -1, [ bool enable = true ] ])
* new: proto array xcache_admin_namespace()
* new: proto array xcache_set_namespace(string namespace)
Ini Settings Changes
* new: xcache.disable_on_crash = Off
* new: xcache.coverager_autostart = On
* new: xcache.allocator = bestfit (no other option value yet)
* new: xcache.var_allocator = bestfit (no other option value yet)
* closes #2: auto disable caching on crash
* closes #73: warn for improper PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN setting fcgi mode (>=PHP_5_3)
* closes #174: updates api to support "clear all cache"
* closes #198: support for caching protocol url
* closes #287: namespace support
* fixes #39: ini_set never work for xcache.coverager setting. use API instead
* code refactor
* uses extension= to load XCache. loading via zend_extension= is unsupported
* split XCache features into multiple sub modules
* updates XCache admin page
* adds an diagnosis module to give professional advise, accessable via htdocs pages
* cache can be enabled/disabled manually
反正,他们自我评价挺高的:XCache 3.0.0 released. Lots of improvements, bug fixes. This is a big new milestone refactoring most XCache code.
2.1.x, unstable, devel, features