先说Netbeans吧,嗯,他们的东西还算不错,只是让我们写PHP的人郁闷的是,它没有自动换行(line wrap),所幸,6.10开始,这个功能已经被加进去了。现在用6.10M1的版本都可以进行尝试,但在尝试前,请记住(扫描项目的时候,不要设置换行,否则80%的机率会让你的NB爆掉)。
- Guys from editor infrastructure asked me to help him to test new editor infrastructure that brings up also line wrapping features. Probably you remembered that this feature was enabled during NetBeans 6.9 development, but because it introduced many problems and there wasn't time to stabilize it enough, it's not in NetBeans 6.9 available.
- We would like to stabilize the new infrastructure as much as possible before it will be switch on to be be available by default.You can enable the feature in development build through command line option: -J-Dorg.netbeans.editor.linewrap=true . Do it only with a development build, even if the optoin works in NetBeans 6.9, the new infrastructure is not stable enough there.
- So I would like to ask you, if you use a latest development build, run the build with the mentioned option. You can start NetBeans from command line with the option or place the option in the ${nb_dir}/etc/netbeans.conf file (add into netbeans_default_options).
- When you started NetBeans with this, there should be Line Wrapping option in the formatter.
- When you find out an issue with it, please report it in our Bugzilla. For such issue the product should be Editor, component Painting & Printing and please mark all reports with the status whiteboard: linewrap so we can easily track them. The tentative plan is to enable this again for M1 of NetBeans 6.10 but this all depends on the additional feedback and testing.
官方的changeLog: 'Use TR1 regular expression' option ('Preferences'->'General').