从哥们那里搞来一个瘦客户端,研究一下,是否可以用来派上最好的用场,目前还没有想到更好的。初步想法应该是利用它可以连接Remote Server,可以在小型商场等地方用上。不过电脑现在的价格也很便宜了。怎么样能够派到最好的用处呢?还在思考中。。。
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Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 30, 12:28 AM
从哥们那里搞来一个瘦客户端,研究一下,是否可以用来派上最好的用场,目前还没有想到更好的。初步想法应该是利用它可以连接Remote Server,可以在小型商场等地方用上。不过电脑现在的价格也很便宜了。怎么样能够派到最好的用处呢?还在思考中。。。
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Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 29, 11:43 PM
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Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 29, 9:33 AM
全新的 Beyond Compare 3 来了!它不仅继承了原 2.0 的文本比较的强大功能 (支持标注行号以任意颜色标注差异同步差异) 。更加强化了在文件夹对比时的多文件操作。不再以原来的多窗口方式。而是采用了流行的标签卡方式。另多个文件的比较得心应手!此外 3.0 还将增加以往只使用插件才能实现的功能: 强大的 hex 比较~快速的装载并分析两个二进制文件的差别。是程序破解的重要辅助工具。全新的图片比较~通过像素化的比较找出两幅图片的不同!(大家来找茬自动 版;))。比较 Mp3 的标签信息鉴别 Mp3 的不同。全新的向导式界面方便您迅速进入工作状态。
总之 Beyond Compare 3 是各位做软件汉化,代码开发,破解必不可缺的辅助工具!
Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 28, 10:08 PM
Beginning today, Windows Live ID is publicly committing to support the OpenID digital identity framework with the announcement of the public availability of a Community Technology Preview (CTP) of the Windows Live ID OpenID Provider.
You will soon be able to use your Windows Live ID account to sign in to any OpenID Web site!
The Windows Live ID OpenID Provider (OP) enables anyone with a Windows Live ID account to set up an OpenID alias and to use that alias for identification at an increasing number of OpenID 2.0 relying party sites-for example: Plaxo, Pibb, StackOverflow.com and Wikispaces.
The official answer from the OpenID Foundation (the guardians of the OpenID specs) is that "OpenID is a free and easy way to use a single digital identity across the Internet." (Source: http://openid.net/)
OpenID is an emerging, de facto standard Web protocol for user authentication. It helps eliminate the need for multiple user names across different Web sites, thereby simplifying a user's online experience. Stated another way, you can reuse your OpenID account at different Web sites without having to create a new user name and password at each site you use.
More information about OpenID is available at http://openid.net.
The initial release is a Community Technology Preview (CTP) Release in the Windows Live ID Integration (INT) environment. It is intended primarily for relying-party Web sites and developers of relying-party client libraries, to enable them to test the interoperability of their implementations against the Windows Live ID OP endpoint and flush out any bugs or incompatibilities.
Note that the Windows Live ID OP supports only the OpenID 2.0 protocol.
The Windows Live ID INT environment is separate from the main Production environment, and is for testing purposes only. If you have not already created a Windows Live ID user account for testing in INT, you can do so at http://login.live-int.com/.
After you have your Windows Live ID account in INT, go to https://login.live-int.com/beta/ManageOpenID.srf to set up your OpenID alias on that test account.
NOTE: INT accounts are for testing purposes only and are NOT intended to be permanent user accounts. They do not allow access to Windows Live services in Production.
The current Technology Preview release is for testing purposes only, and is not intended for widespread adoption at this stage. After a period of industry testing and feedback, we will be incorporating any necessary fixes and feature enhancements into the next revision, to be released to Production sometime in 2009.
We do NOT recommend that anyone use their INT alias as their permanent OpenID account at this time; users should wait until the final release of the OP to Production.
All Windows Live product teams are committed to supporting open standards where such standards are relevant to our work and when they reach a sufficient level of maturity, and the Windows Live ID Team is no exception. We have been tracking the evolution of the OpenID specification, from its birth as just a dream and a vision through its development into a mature, de facto standard with terms that make it viable for us to implement it now.
We look forward to making it easier for our users to access the Web sites they use, by reducing their need to create additional identity accounts. That is the promise of OpenID. We are happy to support that goal by providing OpenID-based sign-in functionality to Windows Live ID account holders.
We want you to try the Windows Live ID OpenID Provider CTP release, let us know your feedback, and tell us about any problems you find.
To prepare:
You can send us feedback at:
For more information, see the Windows Live ID blog: http://winliveid.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!AEE1BB0D86E23AAC!1745.entry
Jorgen Thelin
Submitted by gouki on 2008, October 27, 8:49 AM
以下是官方的change log:
- completed compilation of {include} tag, variable scoping same as in smarty2
- added compilation of {capture} tag.
- added error message on none existing template files.
- added comments in the parser definition y file.
- added array of $smarty_token_names to lexer for use in trigger_template_error function
- change handling of none smarty2 style tags like {if}, {for}....
- lexer/parser optimization
- create different compiled template files depending if caching and/or security is enabled
- cleaned up compiler
- lexer/parser optimization
- new method trigger fatal error, displays massage and terminates smarty
- compile error status flag added
The compiler will in case of error continue to parse the template(s) to display all errors. No compiled
templates will be written, Smarty terminates after the compiler exits.
- added error message to function __call in Smarty.class.php