Submitted by gouki on 2014, January 8, 6:35 PM
Submitted by gouki on 2013, December 24, 9:37 PM
Submitted by gouki on 2013, December 17, 5:50 PM
You have not specified what kind of notification you want nor what OS the remote server is running so I am going to have to make some assumptions here. I will assume you don't really care what type of notification it is as long as you are notified and that the remote server is running some flavor of *nix.
Send yourself an email. If sendmail
is configured on the server, you could do
./long_process && echo "Job done" | sendmail pnj@yourdomain.com
ssh back to your local machine (assuming this is possible) and make it talk to you. See here for more cool ways of making OSX beep at you.
./long_process && ssh you@local.ip say "Yo! All done"
./long_process && ssh you@local.ip terminal-notifier -message "Job finished!" -title "Info"
If you are connecting from a dynamic IP and you have configured your router so that you can ssh to that dynamic IP, you can do this (assuming you are only currently connected from your remote machine):
ip=$(who | grep $USER | perl -lne 's/\\((.+?)\\)\s*$//; print "$1"' | tail -n 1) && ./long_process && ssh you@$ip terminal-notifier -message "Job finished!" -title "Info"
You can set up password-less ssh in the normal way. It should not be affected by the dynamic IP. Once you have done so, the code above will work.
Use pushover and send a notification to your Android or iOS device (if you have one)
./long_process && pushover.pl "All done"
Submitted by gouki on 2013, December 16, 10:45 AM
今天发现新买的MacBook Pro的一个USB口异常。具体表现是连接到移动硬盘之后,硬盘灯闪亮但是Mac无任何反映。而且,iPhone也无法通过此USB口充电或数据传输。经过Google,找到了下面的步骤来解决:
注:重置 SMC 时,MagSafe 电源适配器上的 LED 指示灯可能会更改状态或暂时关闭。
在风扇、电源指示灯、系统性能、视频出现某些异常时候,可以通过上述方法进行重置来解决。具体的症状判断和说明可以参考"基于 Intel 的 Mac:重置系统管理控制器(SMC)"。
Mac 会将某些设置储存在特殊内存区域中,而且即使关机这些设置也不会丢失(除非存在电池问题)。 在基于 Intel 的 Mac 上,存储位置是称为 NVRAM 的内存;而在基于 PowerPC 的 Mac 上,存储位置则是称为 PRAM 的内存。操作步骤为:
在NVRAM和PRAM中保存着很多硬件的配置,并且不会因为关机而丢失。详细的信息可以参考"重置 Mac 的 PRAM 和 NVRAM","何时要重置 NVRAM 或 PRAM","Mac OS X:PRAM 中存储的是什么"。
解决了一个小问题:macbook pro turns on but screen stays black — my solution
The Apple Macbook Pro would turn on, but the screen would not. The screen would stay black. I could tell the computer was on because when I hit the “caps lock” key, the green light on the key would turn on and off.
If that doesn’t work for you, you could try these steps, documented at apple.com:
Holding down Command, Option, P, and R to reset your PRAM and NVRAM
Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU)
Submitted by gouki on 2013, December 6, 2:01 PM