网上的教程说是不要按option,于是我等啊等 ,结果,进了mac了...
我按着option重启看到了rEFit的菜单了,心里那个激动啊,进去点击U盘安装......出现:error loading operate system ,我晶
3. 现在正在等 .....我在下载大白菜U盘启动工具,希望能够成功,因为vampire说他试了OK...
1. 第3步不做了,我换了个USB口,居然可以认了.尼妹啊...这种事情也有
2. rEFIt启动两次后,居然...不用再按OPTION了.看来,系统也是认顺序的.....
文字版来自 http://www.thxbye.de/mac/mac-mounting-ftpsftp-volumes-with-the-finder.html
have a server that only has FTP/SFTP/TLS support for accessing the files on it, which, in general, should be mostly sufficient. Now I’m using Mac OS X and Transmit/Yummy FTP for most of my tasks.
Since I’m a person who loves to have everything integrated into the standard GUI as good as possible I’ve been trying to find a solution for mounting directories/shares of that server straight into the finder, like you do with the iDisk or any other NFS/SMB/AFP share.
Unfortunately, the Finder itself only has read only FTP support (now I also know that FTP wasn’t made as a protocol for doing these kinds of things in the first place), which doesn’t get me too far actually, since every time I would want to upload/change a file I would need to start Transmit (or any other FTP client) and use the clunky non-embedded interface to manage the files, which is, for me at least, nowhere near satisfactory.
Sadly, after endless amounts of investigation and searching on google, I didn’t find a solution that works apart from “Use Transmit, it’s as close as you will get!”. I have tried everything that came onto my mind so far, even some very weird, exotic and just plain scary SSH tunnel workarounds, luck seems to avoid me though.
I found Google’s MacFUSE do to the job prettily, using a SSH filesystem (almost) works like a charm.
Download it and install, preferably compile it from the source, which is described in the Google Code HOWTO: code.google.com/p/macfuse/wiki/HOWTO
With the help of this you can basically mount SSH accounts as virtual volumes - and with the right parameters it even works in the Finder:
sshfs USERNAME@HOST:/DIR /MOUNTPOINT -oping_diskarb,volname=NAMEOFMOUNT ;
“USERNAME” being your SSH username;
“HOST” the SSH host;
“DIR” being the directory you want to mount;
“MOUNTPOINT” - you will need a mountpoint on your local filesystem, this should preferably be an empty directory. I just created empty directories in my home folder for that purpose (e.g. ~/mounts/orange);
“NAMEOFMOUNT” is the name of the volume as it will appear in the finger.
After entering this you should be prompted for the password of the SSH account, now, magically, you should have the volume appear in the Finder. Wee!
Now, the one and only real thing to make sure however is: Be aware that the Finder doesn’t like unstable connections - it will hopelessly beachball once the connection is interrupted unexpectedly for whatever reason.
有图版的来自 http://docs.ocf.berkeley.edu/wiki/SFTP_mount_in_Mac_OS_X
If you’d like to use an sftp share directly though finder then this guide is for you.
First, you need to install OSXFuse from https://github.com/osxfuse/osxfuse/downloads
If you’re using OS X 10.8 (or above…) use the default install options and skip down to the Mountain Lion section now.
At the “Installation Type” stage, be sure to select MacFUSE Compatibility Layer. It’s unticked by default.
Once installed, you need to get Macfusion from http://macfusionapp.org/
Perform the usual drag and drop into your Applications folder then run Macfusion.
Add a new Macfusion share by clicking on the plus icon and selecting SSHFS, enter your details, click ok, then mount. After a few moments your share will be available. You can press cmd+r to show your share in the Finder.
You can now directly edit files on the sftp share using any app on your mac without the need to manually download and re-upload them.
If this process does not work for you, try restarting your mac, then re-adding the Macfusion share.
OS X Mountain Lion
Unfortunately Macfusion doesn’t work well with Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8). You can, however, still mount directories using the command line (Terminal).
First we need to download, then install sshfs: https://github.com/downloads/osxfuse/sshfs/SSHFS-2.4.1.pkg
Run through the installer with the default options.
Now create an empty directory to mount your sftp share in, for example:
dan@dans-imac:$ mkdir /Users/dan/sshfs
Then run the following:
dan@dans-imac:$ sshfs username@serveraddress:/path/to/remote/folder /Users/dan/sshfs
Navigate to /users/dan/sshfs in Finder and you’ll have access to your sftp share.
- 以下是大杂烩:
- 1.不要用一个开源的叫javapns的lib来推送,这个项目代码臃肿混乱,过度设计,还内存溢出;可以使用notnoop.apns
- 2.Push会延时,也会被丢弃,似乎网络情况,Push本身带有Expiry,超过该值APNS会丢掉Push
- 3.Push有三个基本属性,alert、badge、sound,通过将一些置空,可以实现只修改App上的气泡不出现文本、出现文本但不提示声音,发出声音而不出现任何提示等等效果
- 4.Push除了三个基本属性,还可以附带任意json数据,但总大小不能超过256字节
- 5.要异步发送Push,可以将应用内的Push序列化到Redis队列再消费,并且增加队列监控
- 6.和国外服务的连接速度比较慢,要建立多个连接,使用多线程发送
- 7.APNS有提供feedback服务,用于查询一个Token是否有效
- 8.一台iPhone上的一个App会有两种Token,一种是Developer的,一种是正式Product的,不能混用,在一个与APNS的SSL连接里,使用Developer Token向Product发送Push是无法送达的,同时在十几秒内即使用正确的Product Token发送也无法送达,效果就像直接丢弃
- 9.iPhone上的App处于前台运行时,即使受到Push也不会在界面出现提示,此时App内的回调函数会收到
- 10.高速地向一台设备发送大量Push,Apple会自动丢掉部分Push
不过google code上终于有一套相对比较完善的代码了.https://code.google.com/p/apns-php/,其实在最近他已经迁移到了github了(October 26, 2012, Project source code has moved to github. )
- $push = new ApnsPush(ApnsAbstract::ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX, '/dev.pem');
- $push->connect();
- foreach ($result as $data) {
- $token = $appCache->getAppTokenByUserId($data['receive_userid']);
- if(!$token){
- continue ;
- }
- $token = str_replace(" ","",$token);
- $message = new ApnsMessage($token);
- $message->setBadge( intval($data['cnt']));
- $push->add($message);
- }
- $push->send();
- $push->disconnect();
- $aErrorQueue = $push->getErrors();
- if (!empty($aErrorQueue)) {
- var_dump($aErrorQueue);
- }
这段代码不要纠结,为什么与官方不一样,因为我在用yii框架的时候没有autoload成功它的 代码,花了5分钟将它全部改成基于namespace的了.
说实话,在MAC上面最好的虚拟机,绝对是parallels desktop,没有之一。