看到andot的hprose中有使用array_key_exists,就想问为什么不用isset,再一想哦。isset不能判断$a['xxx'] = null的情况。这时候看了一下评论,有人建议用isset() || array_key_exists来辅助判断,说是性能有大提升。
- count array: 999900 ; loop :100000
- $array['109011'] = 109011;
- 1. array_key_exists(109011,$array);
- bool(true)
- 0.021718
- 2. isset($array['109011']);
- bool(true)
- 0.004888
- 3. isset( $array['109011'] ) || array_key_exists( '109011', $array )
- bool(true)
- 0.005100
- count array: 999900 ; loop :100000
- $array['109011'] = null;
- 1. array_key_exists(109011,$array);
- bool(true)
- 0.026091
- 2. isset($array['109011']);
- bool(false) //注意看这里
- 0.006697
- 3. isset( $array['109011'] ) || array_key_exists( '109011', $array )
- bool(true)
- 0.026621
基本上,在$a['x'] 不是null的情况下,性能提升4倍左右 ,如果该值是null,这损耗可以接受。
所以以后代码还是 isset($a[$key])||array_key_exists($key,$a) 比较好。
接下来的到11点回来,大家先移动下拍牌界面 确保验证码弹出框不会挡住左边数据窗口。
时间到了11点28分 这时请大家高度警惕 关闭所有联网软件
这时主要策略有两种,一个是11点29分00秒在最高价上加600伏击,伏击成功之后马上再加300伏击;另外一个是11点29分20秒最高价加300伏击,伏击成功后马上再加300伏击 。
目前最低可成交价为44800,可修改区间为44500-45100,跟最低可成交价比上下300 。 加300伏击意思是在最高价45100基础上加300为45400,出价,输入好验证码,等待系统最高价到达45400的时候点击确定就算成功出价了 。 还有,在伏击阶段,大家是可以出价后把验证码先输好的,到最后点确定就可以了 。
拍牌结束后的十分钟后左边会出现拍牌结果的信息 若中标的话 恭喜了 !
Copy from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/766809/whats-the-difference-between-utf8-general-ci-and-utf8-unicode-ci
看到本文其实是源于Yii2 的migrate中的init,它其中就有一段:
- if ($this->db->driverName === 'mysql') {
- $tableOptions = 'CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ENGINE=InnoDB';
- }
于是我才发现了上面的URL,然后打开看了下,发现是有人在提问:Between utf8_general_ci
and utf8_unicode_ci
, are there any differences in terms of performance?
There are at least two important differences:
Accuracy of sorting
utf8_unicode_ci is based on the Unicode standard for sorting, and sorts accurately in a very wide range of languages.
utf8_general_ci comes close to correct Unicode sorting in many common languages, but has a number of limitations: in some languages, it won't sort correctly at all. In others, it will merely have some quirks.
utf8_general_ci is faster at comparisons and sorting, because it takes a bunch of performance-related shortcuts.
utf8_unicode_ci uses a much more complex comparison algorithm which aims for correct sorting according in a very wide range of languages. This makes it slower to sort and compare large numbers of fields.
Unicode defines complex sets of rules for how characters should be sorted. These rules need to take into account language-specific conventions; not everybody sorts their characters in what we would call 'alphabetical order'.
As far as Latin (ie "European") languages go, there is not much difference between the Unicode sorting and the simplified utf8_general_ci sorting in MySQL, but there are still a few differences:
For examples, the Unicode collation sorts "ß" like "ss", and "Œ" like "OE" as people using those characters would normally want, whereas utf8_general_ci sorts them as single characters (presumably like "s" and "e" respectively).
In non-latin languages, such as Asian languages or languages with different alphabets, there may be a lot more differences between Unicode sorting and the simplified utf8_general_ci sorting. The suitability of utf8_general_ci will depend heavily on the language used. For some languages, it'll be quite inadequate.
Some Unicode characters are defined as ignorable, which means they shouldn't count toward the sort order and the comparison should move on to the next character instead. utf8_unicode_ci handles these properly.
What should you use?
There is almost never any reason to use utf_general_ci anymore, as we have left behind the point where CPU speed is low enough that the performance difference would be important. Your database will almost certainly be limited by quite other bottlenecks than this nowadays. The difference in performance is only going to be measurable in extremely specialised situations, and if that's you, you'd already know about it. If you're experiencing slow sorting, in almost all cases it'll be an issue with your indexes/query plan. Changing your collation function should not be high on the list of things to troubleshoot.
When I originally wrote this answer (over 4 years ago) I said that if you wanted, you could use utf8_general_ci most of the time, and only use utf8_unicode_ci when sorting was going to be important enough to justify the performance cost. However, the performance cost is no longer really relevant (and it may not have been back then, either). It's more important to sort properly in whichever language your users are using.
One other thing I'll add is that even if you know your application only supports the English language, it may still need to deal with people's names, which can often contain characters used in other languages in which it is just as important to sort correctly. Using the Unicode rules for everything helps add peace of mind that the very smart Unicode people have worked very hard to make sorting work properly.
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- }
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