之前用中科大的,但好象中科大有缺失源,或者有时候在update的时候会卡。所以换到了 上海交大的源
Submitted by gouki on 2019, September 15, 9:17 AM
之前用中科大的,但好象中科大有缺失源,或者有时候在update的时候会卡。所以换到了 上海交大的源
Submitted by gouki on 2019, September 14, 10:35 AM
Pentaho data integration ,从官方下载下来最新的安装包,解压之后,双击Data Integration,报安全问题,询问是否打开,同意并输入自己的开机密码。然后,等了几秒,发现没有任何反应,再次双击Data Integration,依然没有任何相应。
以为程序不兼容。但想想不应该,搜了一下,发现可能是权限的问题,说是直接运行 spoon.sh 可以运行。试了一下,确实OK。但不可能一直这样执行。继续找解决方案,最后居然是这么简单,运行一下:
这个问题在2017年就有人遇到了,看这里:https://edpflager.com/?p=3571,参考 一下即可。
Submitted by gouki on 2019, September 14, 10:20 AM
[04:30:38.608] "install" terminal command done
[04:30:38.609] Install terminal quit with output:
[04:31:18.258] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+neatstudio.com", attempt 2
[04:31:18.258] SSH Resolver called for host: neatstudio.com
[04:31:18.259] Setting up SSH remote "neatstudio.com"
[04:31:18.259] Using commit id "f06011ac164ae4dc8e753a3fe7f9549844d15e35" and quality "stable" for server
[04:31:18.263] Running script with connection command: ssh -o ClearAllForwardings=true -o ConnectTimeout=15 neatstudio.com bash
[04:31:18.263] Install and start server if needed
[04:31:35.269] Connecting with SSH timed out
[04:31:35.269] TELEMETRY: {"eventName":"resolver","properties":{"outcome":"failure","reason":"Timeout"},"measures":{"resolveAttempts":2,"retries":1}}
[04:31:35.269] ------
[04:37:06.477] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+neatstudio.com", attempt 12
[04:37:06.477] SSH Resolver called for host: neatstudio.com
[04:37:06.477] Setting up SSH remote "neatstudio.com"
[04:37:06.478] Using commit id "f06011ac164ae4dc8e753a3fe7f9549844d15e35" and quality "stable" for server
[04:37:06.479] Running script with connection command: ssh -o ClearAllForwardings=true -o ConnectTimeout=15 neatstudio.com bash
[04:37:06.480] Install and start server if needed
[04:37:21.515] > ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
[04:37:21.515] Got some output, clearing connection timeout
[04:37:21.776] "install" terminal command done
[04:37:21.776] Install terminal quit with output: ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
[04:37:21.776] Received install output: ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
[04:37:21.777] The operation timed out
[04:37:21.777] TELEMETRY: {"eventName":"resolver","properties":{"outcome":"failure","reason":"OfflineError"},"measures":{"resolveAttempts":12,"retries":1}}
[04:37:21.777] ------
发了ticket给layerstack。他们测试也来没有这个问题。我开始以为是什么openfiles limit的问题。也打开到最大了。
期间调整了一下这个:echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p,因为开始有报inotify max error
Thank you for your patience in this matter.
We have investigated the issue in detail and we are not able to recreate the issue from our end. We have checked the same from multiple locations and find out its working fine.
The reported issue seems to be related to your local ISP, so we suggest you to change the standard port (22) of SSH to some other non standard port like 2222 or 2244, in server and recheck the issue.
Please do have a check on our above suggestion and let us know if you still face any issues in accessing.
所以我就想了一下,直接把PORT改成了2222,2223,2244,然而仍然 失败,最后我用了一个超大端口,居然正常了
Submitted by gouki on 2019, August 29, 12:13 PM
如题。之前还OK的。最近是只要一使用virtual studio code的远程编辑功能。1分钟内就会被拒绝连接。
Submitted by gouki on 2019, August 26, 10:59 AM
这两天在闲逛的时候,突然看到有人提及了《寄生前夜》,说是今天史克威尔突然注册了什么寄生前夜吧啦吧啦 的。然后我就想起来,好象20年前,我的寄生前夜还没有打完。
最近在听到寄生前夜后,又搜了一下。发现NS上也有模拟器了:RetroArch,居然跨平台。但mac装了还是需要外接蓝牙手柄(没有看到有keyboard的设置)。最后找到了安卓上有模拟器,网上有人推荐了两个:小鸡模拟器和悟饭游戏厅。我都装了,但刚装完,google play说,小鸡里可能有损害系统的软件,于是我在没有测试的情况就将删除了小鸡。