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推荐小程序:TimThumb – PHP Image Resizer

这是一个单文件处理缩略图的程序,直接引用生成缩略图。有点意思,主要是方便啦 .。

文件也很小,只有一点点大,更关键的是可以缓存回来。也能取远程的图片,也可以设置allow的安全站点,这样就相对安全一点了,官方这么介绍 :
TimThumb is a simple, flexible, PHP script that resizes images. You give it a bunch of parameters, and it spits out a thumbnail image that you can display on your site.

TimThumb has seen a massive amount of use across the WordPress world, and a few months after we released it, I took over development from Tim, a friend of Darren Hoyts, who created the original script. Since I took over there have been a whole host of changes, bug fixes, and additions.

I set up this page to act as an archive/ resource, showing the best documentation and demos available for TimThumb. If you have any TimThumb related articles then please feel free to send them over to me so that I can add them to the list.


How to use TimThumb


stands for values What it does
src source url to image Tells TimThumb which image to resize › tutorial
w width the width to resize to Remove the width to scale proportionally (will then need the height) › tutorial
h height the height to resize to Remove the height to scale proportionally (will then need the width) › tutorial
q quality 0 - 100 Compression quality. The higher the number the nicer the image will look. I wouldn't recommend going any higher than about 95 else the image will get too large › tutorial
a alignment c, t, l, r, b, tl, tr, bl, br Crop alignment. c = center, t = top, b = bottom, r = right, l = left. The positions can be joined to create diagonal positions › tutorial
zc zoom / crop 0, 1, 2, 3 Change the cropping and scaling settings › tutorial
f filters too many to mention Let's you apply image filters to change the resized picture. For instance you can change brightness/ contrast or even blur the image › tutorial
s sharpen   Apply a sharpen filter to the image, makes scaled down images look a little crisper › tutorial
cc canvas colour hexadecimal colour value (#ffffff) Change background colour. Most used when changing the zoom and crop settings, which in turn can add borders to the image.
ct canvas transparency true (1) Use transparency and ignore background colour




Tags: thumb

linux命令行抓取网页快照 -(xvfb+CutyCapt)

网上找了找资料,发现linux server下也可以达到这个效果。嗯,是利用xvfb模拟x server,然后利用cutycapt(一款利用qt框架开发的截屏程序)截图,可以存成PNG和JPG等多种格式的图片。


  1. apt-get update  
  2. apt-get install xvfb  
  3. apt-get install subversion libqt4-webkit libqt4-dev g++  
  4. svn co  
  5. cd cutycapt/CutyCapt  
  6. qmake  
  7. make  


  1. xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" ./CutyCapt --url= --out=test.png  





Tags: linux, 快照, thumb, xvfb, cutycapt