单位的R710在莫莫的折腾下终于装好了,由于他装我配置了remote controller,所以兴冲冲的去看了一下,结果没有找到想象中的KVM的图形界面,找了半天也没有找到,所有的菜单都点过来了。。。
- Remote console/KVM is a capability of the iDRAC 6 Enterprise. iDRAC 6 Express has no such capabilities. Here’s a quote from a webcast transcript on DellTechCenter.com:
- iDRAC 6 Express is offered as an upgrade on 200–500 series servers and is standard on the 600–900 series. iDRAC 6 is a physical riser card that needs to be added to the server. iDRAC 6 Express offers many remote management features such as an out-of-band Web GUI, advanced security features, several remote management features, power management, and sensor monitoring and alerting
- iDRAC 6 Enterprise is offered as an upgrade on 200–900 series servers and is standard on blade servers. iDRAC 6 provides additional out-of-band features including virtual console, virtual media, and a dedicated NIC. iDRAC 6 Enterprise is a physical riser card that provides two additional ports on the back of the server: a RJ-45 network port and an SD slot (for VFlash media)
- Hope this helps.”
好吧,传统的来了,摘录,上原文,好象很多人说过我了,说我就是一个摘抄王,哎,每天都没做什么 ,哪有什么经验可以记录呢?所以,只有多看其他的东西,然后如果觉得有用的就记录一下喽。当然如果自己有心得了,也还是会记录的。
又多说了很多废话,顺便上个广告,http://www.thinkinlamp.com上面的每月通讯里面有好多好多不错的文章 。然后,还可以在上面下载一些thinkinlamp聚会时,一些大牛出的PPT以及视频哦。有时候好想下载回来呀。。。(等啥时候有时间了,问问三马看看)。好吧,上原文了。
While most people may feel that backing up the files and system is a troublesome and difficult task, Mac OSX Leopard’s Time machine has made it really simple for its users to use. You just need to plug in your external drive and an initial configuration, the Time machine will then be automated in the background.
In Ubuntu (and other Linux distro), you can also get a Time machine equivalent via Timevault and Flyback.
Both Timevault and Flyback make snapshot of your hard drive at regular interval and allow you to restore the backup in the event that your hard drive crashes, or loss of particular files. Both have a simple graphical interface so its users won’t have to use the command line to backup their system (though you still can’t find the 3D interface in Time machine).
The advantage of Timevault is that it is able to integrate into the nautilus and users can easily access the snapshot and history with a click in their nautilus icon bar. Timevault is not included in the Ubuntu repository, but its installation is made easy with a GDebi installer software package. Installation is a breeze and configuration is quite intuitive, though you have to relogin to your Ubuntu to access to the nautilus integration.
Installation guide [http://howtoforge.com/snapshot-backups-with-timevault-ubuntu-7.10]

Flyback is the lightweight version of Timevault. It does not integrate with nautilus, but it provides a live view of your current snapshot and a previous snapshot. There is no installation required, except for updating some Python libraries.
Installation guide [http://www.howtoforge.com/creating-snapshot-backups-with-flyback-ubuntu-7.10]

Both Timevault and Flyback are free to download and use.
看看,原来人家从UBUNTU 7就有了,而我这个新手却居然还什么 都不知道。哎。OUT了
我想要什么 ?我想要有dropbox这类软件的功能,但可以自主控制,比如我可以使用FTP来做这事,做一类似于SVN的事情。因为使用ftp或者sftp,对数据可以完整的控制,也不再受限。对于一些比较重要的文件,自己也能够放心的存储 。
1、DirSync Pro,不过,看介绍好象不能同步远程的。http://www.dirsyncpro.org/features.html,看了一下是不支持。
2、Capivara 是一个支持 SFTP 和 FTP 的文件同步工具,采用 Java 语言开发。通过对文件的时间戳和 SHA-1 哈希值进行文件的比较以便决定是否同步,同时可预览即将进行的同步操作,防止一些误操作。http://capivara.sourceforge.net/,这个是用java,就是不知道效率怎么样。
- 刚才看东西,看到「揭橥」一词,突然想起前两天听说 Snow Leopard 的拼音中添加了一个小功能:如何拼写罕见字。
- 比如「橥」,如果你不认识这个字,怎么打出来?
- Snow Leopard 的拼音提供了这样一种选择:先拆字,打 zhu mu 两字,然后按 shift+ 空格,系统会自动写出「橥」来。
- 是个不会太多用、但贴心的功能。而我此前没有听说过其它中文的拼音系统有这样的功能(如果有,请指正),为什么?
回复中说:zhu mu输入后可以显示“橥”,但我试了一下,直接输入 zhu 也能显示,只是要翻页,而且要很多页。我没有用过snow leopard,所以我不知道与它比起来效果如何?再加上,我用的是五笔输入法中的纯拼音输入。或许与拼音输入又不一样。所以我也没有办法测试。。