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browser.min.js 报错:Cannot read property 'keys' of undefined


查了一些资料,发现很多人都遇到过,原来。。。。居然是browser.min.js的版本太高了,降为 5.8.24 ,世界清静了
然而还是遇到一点问题,为了想用一些新的语法,用了<script type="text/babel">,但这样却导致vue 中的变量无法识别。尴尬 ,这一点还没有想到好办法

Tags: browser



  1. height:100px;  /*正常情况*/  
  2. [;color:#0F0;]/* Sa,CH */  
  3. height:100px\9; /*IE全部系列*/  
  4. *height:100px;  /*IE6 IE7识别*/  
  5. _height:100px;  /*IE6识别*/  
  6. height:100px\0;  /*IE8识别*/  


Tags: css, hack, browser

Xenocode Browser Sandbox

Run any browser from the web



The Xenocode Browser Sandbox allows all popular Windows browsers to be run simultaneously, directly from the web.  Web designers, system administrators, and other users can now evaluate Internet Explorer 8, 7, and 6, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome directly from the web in a risk-free manner.  Unlike traditional software applications, Xenocode WebApps do not require any software to be installed and allow multiple application versions to run side-by-side on any version of Windows.



Understanding Xenocode Technology

Xenocode is a powerful virtualization technology that separates applications from the underlying operating system.  Unlike traditional hardware virtualization solutions that duplicate an entire host operating system, Xenocode's lightweight application virtualization technology emulates only core operating system features required for application execution.  Xenocode requires no setup, configuration, clients, or device drivers, insulates applications against conflicts, and runs existing applications seamlessly on Windows Vista and locked-down desktops.

Xenocode virtual applications can be deployed on the web, intranets, portable storage devices, and existing desktop management infrastructure, including Active Directory, Microsoft SMS, LANDesk Management Suite, and BMC Configuration Management.  Xenocode technology has been licensed by Novell and is available as part of Novell ZENworks Application Virtualization.

The Xenocode Virtual Application Studio authoring environment allows software developers and systems administrators to easily convert existing applications into virtual machine packages.  The Xenocode WebApp service allows Xenocode applications to be run directly from the web via a simple control that embeds directly into web sites, blogs, and other online content.



前提,您的机器上需要安装.net framework,相信大多数人应该都会有安装吧。best regards for you....


Tags: web, browser, sandbox, xenocode