Submitted by gouki on 2014, March 7, 11:55 PM
Submitted by gouki on 2013, July 26, 6:10 PM
Submitted by akuma on 2012, December 5, 9:47 AM
用phpfog也有两年了吧? 在上面也跑了2个应用,其中一个就是ucapi.com,其实说真的ucapi.com已经久不维护了。一来ucenter也很少有人在单独使用了。顺便,求收购。。。ucapi.com,HOHO。。
This is a reminder for PHP Fog users regarding the service’s discontinuation.
In order to focus our team and efforts on continuing to build a better solution for developers, we will be fully shutting down the PHP Fog platform in December (all free apps hosted on PHP Fog will be discontinued on December 21, 2012) and focusing solely on AppFog. As we move toward this final date, some services will be disabled along the way.
For more information plus resources to help you begin or complete your migration to AppFog, please read this blog post.
We are also going to be holding a webinar on migrating to AppFog from PHP Fog on December 6. For more information and to register for the migration webinar, please visit the AppFog University webinar page.