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mysql 函数与 pdo函数的对比及使用

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mysql在升到php7后,原有的mysql_*函数都没有了,如果要迁移,可以参考 这一篇:


MySQL_ Original Driver to PDO Comparative Table


This table is not intended to be a tutorial or a guide to PDO, but to provide a correspondence between MySQL_ and PDO. So, some important PDO commands are missing, if they don't have a MySQL_ correspondence.

Among these omitted commands, there is a major PDO feature, the prepared statements. I strongly recommend to use it, also if only cited in this guide.

This is a very extended answer. I'm sorry for the low quality of spelling (I'm not english) and for the typos. I will try to correct and improve it in the next few days. Any suggestion or contribution is welcome.

Naming Conventions:

To avoid misunderstanding, in this answer I use:

In PDO, we have two major object types, the PDOObject (the connection between PHP and a database server) and the PDOStatement (a prepared statement and, after the statement is executed, an associated result set). In this answer, variable names are:

  • $dbh, refer to PDOobject;
  • $stmt, refer to PDOStatement.

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