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Adobe to contribute AMF support to Zend Framework

Copy from , it's submitted of Thursday, July 31, 2008
It's full contents :

  1. Andi Gutmans, the CTO of Zend, blogged yesterday about a new proposal making it’s way through the Zend Framework process.
  2. Adobe has made a proposal for an AMF (Action Message Format) component in Zend Framework. This ZF component will allow for client-side applications built with Flex and Adobe AIR to communicate easily and efficiently with PHP on the server-side. Leading the design of the component for Adobe is Wade Arnold. Wade already has a track record of bringing the Adobe RIA technologies to PHP as a result of all of his work on AMFPHP.
  3. I know everybody over on the Zend Framework team is real excited about this proposal. If you work with Zend Framework then you are going to want to keep an eye on it.

and someone were comments for this news,


  1. This is really great news! I am currently using JSON as the interface format between my Zend Framework and Flex app. This week I've been considering switching to amfphp (Lee Brimelow prepared a screencast, but I didn't want to refactor/change all of my code. Zend_Amf is great news. I can't wait to begin using it. Cheers Adobe!



Tags: amf, zf, adobe