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转:WebSphere MQ7 在Ubuntu上的安装

 先申明。。。参考本文,我并没有成功的搭建成功。因为我在执行第一个rpm --nodeps -ivh Runtime的时候。不是按照预想的安装在了/opt/mqm下面,而是提示我安装在/ filesystem下。所以我就没有办法下一步。因为在执行第二个安装的时候,它提示我没有在/opt/mqm下找到runtime。。。



可参照文档 和 

1. Download WebSphere MQ7 tar.gz
2. run tar -zxvf CZ4VDML.tar.gz
3(optional). 创建WebSphere MQ 必需的文件系统,命令如下:
   # for product code
   mkdir /opt/mqm
   # for working data
   mkdir /var/mqm
4. 创造MQ用户和用户组,命令如下:
   groupadd mqm
   useradd -d /var/mqm -g mqm -G mqm mqm
   # change password to "password"
   passwd mqm
5. 为mqm用户组添加root组
   cd /etc
   vi group
   找到mqm:x:1003:mqm增加",root",修改成: mqm:x:1003:mqm,root
6(optional). 调整系统参数(视需要而定,我安装时并没修改)
   make following kernel changes (/etc/sysctl.conf ):
   kernel.msgmni = 1024
   kernel.shmmni = 4096
   kernel.shmall = 2097152
   kernel.sem = 500 256000 250 1024
   fs.file-max = 32768
   net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300

   To load these sysctl values immediately, enter the command sysctl -p.
   If you do not issue the sysctl -p command, the new values are loaded when the system is rebooted.
7. 安装rpm
   sudo apt-get install rpm
8. 转到WebSphere MQ解压后的目录中,获得WebSphere MQ授权,命令如下:
   ./ -text_only
9. 安装WebSphere MQ客户端和服务端,命令如下:
        rpm --nodeps -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-7.0.1-0.i386.rpm
        rpm --nodeps -ivh MQSeriesSDK-7.0.1-0.i386.rpm
        rpm --nodeps -ivh MQSeriesJava-7.0.1-0.i386.rpm
        rpm --nodeps -ivh MQSeriesClient-7.0.1-0.i386.rpm
        rpm --nodeps -ivh MQSeriesSamples-7.0.1-0.i386.rpm

        rpm -nodeps -ivh MQSeriesServer-7.0.1-0.i386.rpm(如果只装客户端,这个没必要安装)
   原因: 不加-nodeps会报: 
   root@localhost:/apps# rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-7.0.1-0.i386.rpm
   error: Failed dependencies:
          /bin/sh is needed by MQSeriesRuntime-7.0.1-0.i386
10. 安装校验
    rpm -qa | grep MQSeries

    安装MQ Explorer还需要安装其它的包:






Tags: websphere

转:MQ+PHP – Linking IBM’s WebSphere MQ to PHP


During a recent project at work I had to get PHP linked with IBM’s WebSPhere MQ software we have running on another internal server. Our goal was to use our existing web service to take the requests from external vendors and push their XML data back into the queue inside our firewall. Thankfully there’s an extension in PECL that does just that.

Here’s the basic steps I took – hopefully it’ll be useful to someone else out there in the same spot I was. This all assumes you’re working on a web server that doesn’t have an MQ server installed already:

  • Get the extension: Head over to the PECL page for mqseries and download the latest version. Unpack it into a directory on your local server
  • Get the MQ client libs: You’ll need to go to IBM’s website to download the latest client/libraries for your install (you’ll need an IBM ID to get to the downloads):
    • Go to the IBM page for the MQ client listing
    • Look for the “WebSphere MQ Clients” link under the “Related products and technologies” section and click on it
    • Scroll down to the “Download Package” section and choose from one of the mirror locations
    • Select your package from the list (I went with “Linux for System x86″ for our setup)
    • Click on the download link and fill out some required information (you didn’t think you were getting off that easy, did you?)
    • Agree to the terms and conditions and you’ll get a “Download Now” link
    • Drop the archive file (tar, tar.gz, etc) into your server and unpack into a temporary directory (mine had an issue unpacking into the local directory, not a subdirectory)
  • Install the package(s): Once you have the IBM software extracted, you should have a series of packages. You’ll need to install the “MQSeriesSDK” to get the right libraries in place to compile the PHP extension
  • Build the mqseries extension: Go into the mqseries directory and run “phpize”, “./configure” and “make” to create the .so file. The process should drop it into the default extensions directory.
  • If needed, move it: Be sure that the shared module for the extension is in the right directory for the PHP install to find it. (You can make a phpinfo() page if you’re not sure where that is.)
  • Update your php.ini: Add in a line to include the extension in your current setup. Remember, after any changes to the php.ini, you need to restart the web server.

Now for the fun part – if everything’s working and the extension shows up in your phpinfo() as active, give this script a shot and see if you can connect to your MQ server:

1 $mq_host_ip         ='';
2 $queue_name     'HOST.REMOTE.Q';
3 $mq_server      'WBRK_QM_U49';
4 $mqcno array(
5         'Version' => MQSERIES_MQCNO_VERSION_2,
7         'MQCD' => array(
8                 'ChannelName'                   => 'CLIENT.CHANNEL',
9                 'ConnectionName'                => $mq_host_ip,
10                 'TransportType'                 => MQSERIES_MQXPT_TCP
11         )
12 );
14 // Connect to the MQ server
15 mqseries_connx($mq_server,$mqcno,$conn,$comp_code,$reason);
16 if ($comp_code !== MQSERIES_MQCC_OK) {
17         trigger_error('Cannot open connection to server: '.$mq_server,E_USER_ERROR);
18 }else{
19       echo 'Connection good!';
20 }

Obviously you’ll need to adjust the settings to fit your server, but at least this gives you a start.





a. pecl mqseries :
b. ibm mq client:
1、先安装ibm mq client :下载地址最终是要翻墙的,我这里不教翻墙技术。下载完后,解开压缩,在centos下面,直接rpm -ivh 
   MQSeriesRuntime-7.5.0-3.x86_64.rpm,和rpm -ivh MQSeriesSDK-7.5.0-3.x86_64.rpm ,由于我们只是当成一个client库来连接,因此安装这两个就够了
2、编译mqseries。在这里我吃药了,我下载的是0.14版的,我一看更新时间是2014年。我想这是最新的总没问题吧。结果。。。./configure到最后的时候,说--with-libdir=lib64找不到,让我指定。可是我明明指定了也不能安装。于是google了一下,发现这曾经是一个BUG。在2012年解决掉了。在bug.php.net里。写的是bug fixed。所以我下载了0.13的,然后再安装,果然成功了
  1. <?php  
  2. $mq_host_ip         ='';  
  3. $queue_name     = 'HOST.REMOTE.Q';  
  4. $mq_server      = 'WBRK_QM_U49';  
  5. $mqcno = array(  
  6.         'Version' => MQSERIES_MQCNO_VERSION_2,  
  7.         'Options' => MQSERIES_MQCNO_STANDARD_BINDING,  
  8.         'MQCD' => array(  
  9.                 'ChannelName'                   => 'CLIENT.CHANNEL',  
  10.                 'ConnectionName'                => $mq_host_ip,  
  11.                 'TransportType'                 => MQSERIES_MQXPT_TCP  
  12.         )  
  13. );  
  15. // Connect to the MQ server  
  16. mqseries_connx($mq_server,$mqcno,$conn,$comp_code,$reason);  
  17. if ($comp_code !== MQSERIES_MQCC_OK) {  
  18.         trigger_error('Cannot open connection to server: '.$mq_server,E_USER_ERROR);  
  19. }else{  
  20.       echo 'Connection good!';  
  21. }  
如果你访问的mq不是默认的端口号,还要加上端口号。我在这里走了不少弯路。我原来connectionName是写成:,报错2387,意思是host not avarible。查了下资料,原来端口号应该是 ip(port),也就是说得: 这样的形式才OK。于是改好后再测试就通过啦。
1、 yum install php php-devel(devel里面才有phpize)
2、yum install gcc gcc-c++ g++
然后在安装的时候还有提示:you will need re2c ...于是找到这个博客:
  1. wget  
  2. tar -zxvf re2c-0.13.5.tar.gz  
  3. cd re2c-0.13.5  
  4. ./configure && make && make install  