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浏览模式: 标准 | 列表2012年08月2日的文章






FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system. It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and file accessing (file uploading and file downloading), and it can resolve the high capacity and load balancing problem. FastDFS should meet the requirement of the website whose service based on files such as photo sharing site and vidio sharing site.
FastDFS has two roles: tracker and storage. The tracker takes charge of scheduling and load balancing for file access. The storage store files and it's function is file management including: file storing, file syncing, providing file access interface. It also manage the meta data which are attributes representing as key value pair of the file. For example: width=1024, the key is "width" and the value is "1024".

The tracker and storage contain one or more servers. The servers in the tracker or storage cluster can be added to or removed from the cluster by any time without affecting the online services. The servers in the tracker cluster are peer to peer.

The storarge servers organizing by the file volume/group to obtain high capacity. The storage system contains one or more volumes whose files are independent among these volumes. The capacity of the whole storage system equals to the sum of all volumes' capacity. A file volume contains one or more storage servers whose files are same among these servers. The servers in a file volume backup each other, and all these servers are load balancing. When adding a storage server to a volume, files already existing in this volume are replicated to this new server automatically, and when this replication done, system will switch this server online to providing storage services. When the whole storage capacity is insufficiency, you can add one or more volumes to expand the storage capacity. To do this, you need to add one or more storage servers.

The identification of a file is composed of two parts: the volume name and the file name.


Tags: fastdfs

How-to recover from checksum mismatch errors in SVN

windows和linux有一点不同,即。。。文件名是否区分大小写。于是在SVN里就有了这么纠结的事情,如果将文件名即时改名大小写,SVN会认为这是同一个文件,而不会加到SVN的库里。如果有改动,再提交,我日。尼玛,其他 客户端就会说文件不一样。会报标题出现的错误 ,肿么办??


全英文,有四屏哦(光标回到最上面,按四次空格 可以到底,称之为四屏),如果你兴趣不大,我这里有一个简化版。。。



  1. Check out the latest revision of the corrupted directory into a temporary directory
  2. Delete the munged SVN revision files
  3. Copy the correct SVN revision files into the working directory


Tags: svn

macosx 下的 java SE升极

之前一直没有遇到提示我升级的消息,毕竟我的电脑 都已经70多天没有关过机了。

这回关了之后,打开phpstorm,立刻提醒我要升级java se。但是用software update功能下载实在太慢。所以,找到官网的KB页面,果然找到了。。。

About Java for OS X 2012-004

Java for OS X 2012-004 delivers improved security, reliability, and compatibility by updating Java SE 6 to 1.6.0_33.

This update configures the Java plug-in to deactivate when no applets are run for an extended period of time. If the prior update named "Java for OS X 2012-003" was not installed, this update will disable the Java web plug-in immediately. Java applets may be re-enabled by clicking the region labeled "Inactive plug-in" on a web page.

Please quit any web browsers and Java applications before installing this update.

See for more details about this update.

See for information about the security content of this update.




Tags: javase, phpstorm