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浏览模式: 标准 | 列表2012年04月28日的文章

phpstorm 4发布啦。。。


To keep pace with the times, the new release includes full compliance with PHP 5.4 language features and ECMAScript Harmony support, and killer bug-prevention abilities using PHP Code Sniffer and PHPUnit Code Coverage. This makes PhpStorm 4.0 a must-have IDE for today’s sophisticated PHP developers.

The most important changes in PhpStorm 4.0 include:

  • PHP 5.4 language features support
  • ECMAScript Harmony support
  • Code coverage for PHPUnit
  • Code checking with PHP Code Sniffer
  • Drupal coding style support
  • New PHP code inspections
  • Smarter JavaScript completion


Tags: phpstorm