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浏览模式: 标准 | 列表2011年12月1日的文章

PhpStorm 3.0 released!

PhpStorm 3.0 is now available and introduces the Smart Duplicated Code Detector to help you quickly find similar blocks through your entire code base and securely get rid of them without losing the intended functionality.
Also a new integrated UML tool allows you to quickly get a bird’s-eye-view of your project structure, or even a semantic view of the changes in the recent VCS commits made by your colleagues.
Furthermore, to ensure that your code works fast and doesn’t cause any performance bottlenecks, the IDE now includes a profiler, a new PHPUnit test runner and JSTestDriver.

The new key functionality in PhpStorm 3.0 includes:
- Smart Duplicated Code Detector
- PHP UML roundtrip diagrams
- Profiling results browser for Xdebug and Zend Debugger engines
- PhpUnit 3.6 integration
- CoffeeScript support
- Significant improvements to FTP/SFTP Sync
- TFS support and revision graph for GIT
- Streamlined UI across all operating systems

HOHO,看到没,居然PHP UML roundtrip diagrams,但其实在EAP版的时候,我试过,其实并没有想象中的那么完善,将就着能用用而且。 ftp/sftp 同步还没有试过。。什么时候试用下

Tags: phpstorm, release