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The Nested Set Model

What I would like to focus on in this article is a different approach, commonly referred to as the Nested Set Model. In the Nested Set Model, we can look at our hierarchy in a new way, not as nodes and lines, but as nested containers. Try picturing our electronics categories this way:

Nested Categories

Notice how our hierarchy is still maintained, as parent categories envelop their children.We represent this form of hierarchy in a table through the use of left and right values to represent the nesting of our nodes:

CREATE TABLE nested_category (         category_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,         name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,         lft INT NOT NULL,         rgt INT NOT NULL );  INSERT INTO nested_category VALUES(1,'ELECTRONICS',1,20),(2,'TELEVISIONS',2,9),(3,'TUBE',3,4),  (4,'LCD',5,6),(5,'PLASMA',7,8),(6,'PORTABLE ELECTRONICS',10,19),(7,'MP3 PLAYERS',11,14),(8,'FLASH',12,13),  (9,'CD PLAYERS',15,16),(10,'2 WAY RADIOS',17,18);  SELECT * FROM nested_category ORDER BY category_id;  +-------------+----------------------+-----+-----+ | category_id | name                 | lft | rgt | +-------------+----------------------+-----+-----+ |           1 | ELECTRONICS          |   1 |  20 | |           2 | TELEVISIONS          |   2 |   9 | |           3 | TUBE                 |   3 |   4 | |           4 | LCD                  |   5 |   6 | |           5 | PLASMA               |   7 |   8 | |           6 | PORTABLE ELECTRONICS |  10 |  19 | |           7 | MP3 PLAYERS          |  11 |  14 | |           8 | FLASH                |  12 |  13 | |           9 | CD PLAYERS           |  15 |  16 | |          10 | 2 WAY RADIOS         |  17 |  18 | +-------------+----------------------+-----+-----+

We use lft and rgt because left and right are reserved words in MySQL, see for the full list of reserved words.

So how do we determine left and right values? We start numbering at the leftmost side of the outer node and continue to the right:

Numbering edges

This design can be applied to a typical tree as well:

Numbered Tree

When working with a tree, we work from left to right, one layer at a time, descending to each node’s children before assigning a right-hand number and moving on to the right. This approach is called the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm.


Tags: mysql, 无限分类