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wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. It is implemented as a Python extension module (native code) that wraps the popular wxWidgets cross platform GUI library, which is written in C++.

Like Python and wxWidgets, wxPython is Open Source which means that it is free for anyone to use and the source code is available for anyone to look at and modify. Or anyone can contribute fixes or enhancements to the project.

wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. This means that the same program will run on multiple platforms without modification. Currently supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Unix or unix-like systems, and Macintosh OS X.

Since the language is Python, wxPython programs are simple, easy to write and easy to understand. Here is an example.

上面的内容纯粹是介绍,但是我还处于初学阶段,关键没时间折腾啊,哎。真痛苦。还好wxPython上还有一些使用的介绍,就是那个How to Learn wxPython,有很多介绍。

说来也郁闷,装了一个aptana3,却找不到怎么创建python的工程,这让我想起了komodo edit,好象就直接支持python了。。。看来越是大的东西,越比较让人难以使用。目前在WIN下,好象官方的wiki介绍的IDE也不少。。。有空下载了玩玩。列表在这里:

Tags: wxpython, wxwidgets


本版本主要是对原模板系统进行提速,去掉消耗巨大的辅助函数。本来想用它与John Resig的 Micro-Templating比较一下速度,发现对方无法处理复杂的模板,残念。

  1. //司徒正美 javascript template - - MIT Licensed  
  2.      (function () {  
  3.                if(!String.prototype.trim){  
  4.                    String.prototype.trim = function(str) {  
  5.                        return this.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, '');  
  6.                    }  
  7.                }  
  8.                var dom = {  
  9.                    quote: function (str) {  
  10.                        str = str.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/g, function (chr) {  
  11.                            var special = metaObject[chr];  
  12.                            return special ? special : '\\u' + ('0000' + chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)  
  13.                        });  
  14.                        return '"' + str.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';  
  15.                    }  
  16.                },  
  17.                metaObject = {  
  18.                    '\b''\\b',  
  19.                    '\t''\\t',  
  20.                    '\n''\\n',  
  21.                    '\f''\\f',  
  22.                    '\r''\\r',  
  23.                    '\\': '\\\\' 
  24.                }, 
  25.                parser = document.createElement("div"), 
  26.                startOfHTML = "\t__views.push(", 
  27.                endOfHTML = ");\n"; 
  29.                //onsite,可选,Boolean,是否就地替换掉模板容器,默认true,如果为false,则返回一个文档碎片,交由用户自己插入到需要的地方 
  30.                dom.ejs = function (obj) { 
  31.                    var onsite = obj.onsite === void 0 , 
  32.                    left = obj.left || "<%", 
  33.                    right =obj.right || "%>", 
  34.                    selector = obj.selector, 
  35.                    isLeft = true, 
  36.                    buff = ["var __views = [];\n"], 
  37.                    fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), 
  38.                    el = document.getElementById(selector), 
  39.                    ejs = dom.ejs; 
  40.                    if (!el) throw "找不到目标元素"; 
  41.                    var str = el.text.trim(); 
  42.                    if(!ejs[selector]){ 
  43.                        while(str.length){ 
  44.                            var condition = isLeft ? left :right; 
  45.                            var index = str.indexOf(condition); 
  46.                            if(index !== -1){//取左边 
  47.                                var text = str.slice(0,index); 
  48.                                if(isLeft){ 
  49.                                    buff.push(startOfHTML, dom.quote(text.trim()), endOfHTML); 
  50.                                }else{ 
  51.                                    switch (text.charAt(0)) { 
  52.                                        case "#"://处理注释 
  53.                                            break; 
  54.                                        case "="://处理后台返回的变量(输出到页面的); 
  55.                                            buff.push(startOfHTML, text.slice(1), endOfHTML) 
  56.                                            break; 
  57.                                        default: 
  58.                                            buff.push(text, "\n") 
  59.                                    }; 
  60.                                } 
  61.                            }else{ 
  62.                                if(isLeft){ 
  63.                                    buff.push(startOfHTML, dom.quote(str), endOfHTML); 
  64.                                    break; 
  65.                                }else{ 
  66.                                    throw "在字符串{{ "+dom.quote(str)+" }}中找不到右界定符"+right 
  67.                                } 
  68.                            } 
  69.                            str = str.slice(index+2).trim(); 
  70.                            isLeft = !isLeft; 
  71.                        } 
  72.                        ejs[selector] = new Function("json", "with(json){"+buff.join("") + '};return __views.join("");')  
  73.                    }  
  74.                    parser.innerHTML = ejs[selector](obj.json || {});  
  75.                    while (parser.firstChild) {  
  76.                        fragment.appendChild(parser.firstChild)  
  77.                    }  
  78.                    return onsite ? el.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, el) : fragment;  
  79.                };  
  80.                window.dom = dom;  
  82.            })();  

这种使用原生代码写的例子,可以被任何代码所使用,如果你有兴趣也可以看看司徒正美的例子的。原文网址在javascript 模板系统 ejs v2,可以移步一观。

Tags: jquery, template, 模版, 模板





同时,这两人已经从我的好友当中delete and block 。。。

Tags: 同门网, msn, 好友, sns