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  1. 它支持wordpress等的导入导出,也能将写的文章发布到wordpress上面
  2. 它也有日程
  3. 它也能写作,专门有一个book的模版
  4. 笔记也能够按日历查看还有记录等
  5. 可对单一文章进行特殊标识:打tag,设置地点,rating,设置心情。。。等等,我晶,太多了吧?比如设置颜色、设置。。。。
3、按住cmd+ctl键,你会发现,原来的:reveal in fiider 变了,变成打开隐藏选项
4、点击,打开了隐藏选项,oh yeah,居然这么多??
大小: 152.99 K
尺寸: 440 x 376
浏览: 1706 次

Tags: macjournal

JS 刷新页面的几个技巧

今天再看到某篇 文章的时候才发现,原来还有那么多的技巧,一下子傻眼了。

  1. history.go(0)   
  2. location.reload()   
  3. location=location   
  4. location.assign(location)   
  5. document.execCommand('Refresh')   
  6. window.navigate(location)   
  7. location.replace(location)   
  8. document.URL=location.href    


Tags: js, refresh



  1.  <script>  
  2. function QRank(scores){  
  3.     this._scores=this._rank = 0;  
  4.     this._max = 10000;  
  5.     this.setScore(scores);  
  6. }  
  7. QRank.prototype.setScore = function(scores){  
  8.     this._scores = parseInt(scores);  
  9. }  
  10. QRank.prototype.getScore = function(){  
  11.     return this._scores;  
  12. }  
  13. QRank.prototype.setRank = function(){  
  14.     //this._rank = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(this._scores+4));  
  15.     var score = this.getScore();  
  16.     var j=0;  
  17.     for(var i=0;i<this._max;i++){  
  18.         if(this.getScore() < j){  
  19.             this._rank = (i-1);  
  20.             break;  
  21.         }  
  22.         j+=(5+i*2);  
  23.     }     
  24. }  
  25. QRank.prototype.getRank = function(){  
  26.     return this._rank;  
  27. }  
  28. QRank.prototype.getStar = function(){  
  29.     var rank;  
  30.     if((rank = this.getRank()) == 0){  
  31.         this.setRank();  
  32.         rank = this.getRank();  
  33.     }  
  34.     var rank4 = rank.toString(4).split("").reverse(); //convert  
  35.     var icon = '';  
  36.     var iconarr = ['☆','★','○','●','$'];  //对应,星星,月亮,太阳,皇冠,美元对应未知。
  37.     for (var i in rank4){  
  38.         icon = iconarr[i].repeat(rank4[i]) + icon;  
  39.     }  
  40.     document.write(icon);  
  41. }  
  42. String.prototype.repeat = function(num){  
  43.     str = [];  
  44.     for (var i=0;i <num ; i++){  
  45.         str.push(this.toString().split(""));  
  46.     }  
  47.     return str.join("");  
  48. }  
  49. var q = new QRank(1000);  
  50. q.getStar();  
  51. alert(q.getRank());  
  52.  </script>  

Tags: qq, rank



自 WAP 发表

YUI PHP Loader Utility

jQuery是Yii框架自带的一个工具,比如ZII里集成的全是JQuery,但YUI也是有着自己的工具,比如这个YUI PHP Load Ulility

The YUI PHP Loader Utility is a server-side utility that allows you to load specific YUI components and their dependencies into your page via PHP. YUI PHP Loader can operate as a holistic solution by loading all of your necessary YUI components, or it can be used to add one or more components to a page on which some YUI content already exists.

YUI also contains a client-side loader, which provides similar functionality from JavaScript.

YUI PHP Loader adds value in the following ways:

  1. Reliable, sorted loading of dependencies: YUI comprises more than two-dozen components, many of which work together to provide the best possible compromise between compartmentalization and code reuse. Because of this, YUI components often need to load with specific dependencies in a specific order. YUI PHP Loader understands which components depend on one another, and based on this knowledge it ensures that the right resources are loaded in the right order.
  2. Automatic use of rolled-up files. YUI PHP Loader knows about all of the built-in rollup files that ship with YUI — like the yahoo-dom-event.js file that contains the Yahoo Global Object, the Dom Collection, and the Event Utility, three components that are commonly used together. By automatically using rolled-up files when it makes sense to do so, the YUI PHP Loader helps you reduce HTTP requests and thereby keep your page as efficient as possible.

As you think about how you want to load YUI on the page, you may find it useful to refer to this overview of some of the most common loading strategies and their relative merits:


Tags: yui, javascript, framework, jquery, yii
