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Installing MacPorts


MacPorts version 2.1.1 is available in various formats for download and installation (note, if you are upgrading your Mac OS X to a new major release, see the migration info page):

        “pkg” installers for Lion and Snow Leopard, for use with the Mac OS X Installer.
        This is the simplest installation
        procedure that most users should follow after meeting the requirements listed
        below. Installer for legacy platform Leopard
        also available.
        In source form as either a tar.bz2 package or a
        tar.gz one for manual compilation, if you intend to customize your installation
        in any way.
        SVN checkout of the unpackaged sources, if you wish to follow MacPorts development.
        The selfupdate target of the port(1) command, for users who already have
        MacPorts installed and wish to upgrade to a newer release.

    Checksums for our packaged downloads are contained in the corresponding checksums file.


        Please note that in order to install and run MacPorts on Mac OS X, your system must have installations of the following

            Apple's Xcode Developer Tools (version 4.1 or later for Lion,
            3.2 or later for
            Snow Leopard, or 3.1 or later for Leopard), found at the Apple Developer Connection
            site, on your Mac OS X installation CDs/DVD, or in the Mac App Store. Using the latest available version that will run on your
            OS is highly recommended.
            Ensure that the optional components for command line development are installed
            ("UNIX Development", plus "System Tools", or "Command Line Tools" in newer versions, or "Command Line Support" in older ones).
            The X11 windowing environment (A.K.A. “X11 User”)
            for ports that depend on the functionality it provides to run.
                    The “X11 User” package is an optional installation on your system CDs/DVD for
                    Tiger, enabled through the “Customize” button of the installer, whereas it is included by default
                    on Leopard and newer.
                    You can use the xorg-server port instead of Apple's if you wish.

1. 升级MacPorts:

%% sudo port selfupdate


%% sudo port -d selpupdate

2. 列出可用ports软件:

%% sudo port list


3. 搜索带有关键词信息的软件列表:

%% sudo port search software_name

4. 搜索到软件的具体名字,就可以用info命令查询所需软件信息:

%% sudo port info software_name

5. 用deps命令查看软件依赖性:

%% sudo port deps software_name

6. 在安装软件前,用variants命令查看本地可用的已安装软件包:

%% sudo port variants software_name

7. 安装软件software_name:

%% sudo port install software_name

8. clean命令清理安装过程中的缓存文件,在获取软件失败时也可以使用:

%% sudo port clean --all software_name

9. 卸载软件

9.1. uninstall命令卸载软件:

%% sudo port uninstall software_name

9.2. 递归卸载要卸载的软件所依赖的软件包:

%% sudo port uninstall --follow-dependencies software_name


9.3. 在卸载软件software_name前,先卸载它所依赖的所有ports可以用以下命令:

%% sudo port uninstall --follow-dependents

9.4. 强制卸载软件,忽略依赖性关系。

%% sudo port -f uninstall


10. contents命令可以查看已经安装的port软件

%% port contents software_name

11. 查看已安装软件的信息:

11.1. 查看软件software_name的版本、变量、使用状态等信息,如果没有指定port名字,则默认会列出所有已安装ports的信息:

%% sudo port installed software_name

11.2. 用-v选项查看更多的信息,包括平台、CPU架构等信息:

%% sudo port -v installed software_name

12. 查看已安装的ports是否有更新,及列出可升级软件列表:

%% sudo port outdated


13. 使用upgrade命令升级软件:

13.1. 升级软件并且同时升级所依赖的软件包:

%% sudo port upgrade software_name

13.2. 升级软件,但不升级依赖包:

%% sudo port -n upgrade software_name

13.3. 升级所有可升级软件:

%% sudo port upgrade outdated

14. upgrade命令默认会在升级软件的同时继续保留旧版本。如果希望在升级到新版本的同时卸载老版本,则执行:

%% sudo port -u upgrade software_name

15. dependents命令将报告所查询软件的依赖包情况。

%% port dependents software_name


16. livecheck命令检查软件software_name是否已经被用户通过下载软件包手动安装了:

%% port livecheck software_name
